Sophomores take championship
The annual Fresno Christian powder puff game delivered much excitement to those participating as well as to those who watched. The sophomore class was able to defeat the seniors and become the 2015 powder puff champions, Nov. 20.
After practicing during the week, the freshmen girls looked forward to their first powder puff experience. Sophia Kallugin, ’19, enjoyed the fun competition that powder puff provided.
“I really enjoyed powder puff this year,” Kalugin said. “I think next year we can improve by getting to know our positions better and hopefully learning more plays. We took the game seriously, but there was also an element of fun in it.”
The night started out with the senior class versus the freshmen class. Although the freshmen did well for their first powder puff game, the seniors were easily able to defeat them and move on to the championship game.
The next game proved to be a good match up. The junior girls were able to put up a strong fight against the sophomores, but in the end, it was the sophomore class, that came through victorious and moved on to the final game.
The moments leading up to the final game were intense. Both teams believed they had what it would take to win the game. As they took to the field, the girls huddled together to go over their plays and give words of encouragement to each other.
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Although their team was much younger and lacked the amount of players that the senior class had, the sophomores did not lack the confidence needed to win the game. Maicy Luginbill, ’18, knew that her class had the ability to win, but knew no matter what happened their team would have fun.
“My favorite part about powder puff was just coming together as a team with all of our friends,” Luginbill said. “We were actually really confident during the whole game. We knew that we were strong and had a chance to beat the seniors.”
The first few minutes of the game were fast paced. Both teams were playing as hard as they could, but neither team seemed to have an advantage. However, just before the first half ended, the sophomores were able to score a touchdown. The girls ran to the end zone, jumping up and down with excitement. This touchdown gave them the extra boost of confidence needed to win the game.
Despite the seniors fighting hard till the end, the sophomores were able to defeat them by a score of 24 to 0. The girls have been playing powder puff on campus for over 20 years.
For more information on who coached this year’s powder puff game, read: Powderpuff champions.
This author can be reached via Twitter:@fiske24 and Email: Mariana Fiske.