Christmas is a time filled with joy, gifts, carols and, of course, sweets. Our family has a tradition of making Christmas cookies every year, complete with homemade frosting and an assortment of different colored sprinkles.
Every year, our house becomes a cloud of flour and sugar as we work to make the best cookies for the rest of our family. It may not be a unique tradition, but it still is a very special time for us, something I look forward to the whole year.
Usually, we all make the cookies together, but this year I decided to make my own as well. I decided that I would make Dutch Butter Cookies, mostly because the recipe is so simple that even I couldn’t mess it up. These cookies have always been a favorite in our family, which pressures me a little more to get them right.
First I hunted down the cookbook. I found the one I was looking for wedged between other books that were all stained with various types of foods. I flipped through the tattered pages until I found the recipe I was looking for.
No matter how the cookies turned out, one of the best parts about the Christmas season is making memories with your family. It was enjoyable to make cookies by myself, but I am most looking forward to Christmas break when I can bake them with my family. — Mariana Fikse
Hastily, I took out all the ingredients needed, smiling as the Christmas spirit began to overtake me. Once I gathered everything I needed I got to work. I began the tedious task of measuring out all the ingredients, making sure to remember the difference between a tablespoon and a teaspoon (you only make that mistake once). As I began to mix the ingredients together my excitement only grew.
The first batch turned out great. They were so good that I decided to make more. As I was finishing up the dough for the second batch, I realized it was a little dry, so I did what anyone else in my family would do in such a situation. I added more butter. (Because everything is better with more butter.)
Unfortunately, I added a little too much butter. I tried to compensate by adding more flour and sugar, but nothing seemed to help. Eventually I was able to get the dough back to the original texture, however the taste was not exactly the same. After I baked the second batch, it actually tasted pretty good, but I will probably never be able to repeat it because I don’t remember what I put in the dough.

No matter how the cookies turned out, one of the best parts about the Christmas season is making memories with your family. It was enjoyable to make cookies by myself, but I am most looking forward to Christmas break when I can bake them with my family.
What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? Leave a comment below about yours.
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