5th annual Career Fair, ASVAB results announced
Career exploration tests have been proctored in high schools for decades. Most of your parents probably took the ASVAB test or one similar to it. At Fresno Christian, we have also offered this test to 10th-12th grade students for several years. Although I do not believe students should use the ASVAB as their only form of career exploration, it can be beneficial in initiating helpful conversation, especially when combined with other resources.
According to the ASVAB, “The ASVAB is offered to high school and post-secondary students as part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program. The program provides tools to help students learn more about career exploration and planning, in both the civilian and military worlds of work. The ASVAB Career Exploration Program is free of charge to participating schools”.
The ASVAB is made up of eight sections, general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, mathematics knowledge, electronics information, auto and shop information, and mechanical comprehension.
“Several composite scores are formed from different combinations of ASVAB test scores. Three composites, or Career Exploration Scores, are provided specifically to help students engage in career exploration. These scores help students to get a good sense of their verbal, math, and science and technical skills compared to other students in the same grade” (ASVAB).
When students receive their scores they will also receive their top interest codes, based on Holland’s Interest Inventory (Holland’s Interest Inventory). Using a student’s top two codes combined with OCCU-Find for Careers students can explore occupations that may be a good fit with their skills and interests (OCCU-Find).
Another resource juniors at Fresno Christian have utilized this semester is found on the ACT website. Through this website students are able to take several inventories assessing interest, abilities, and values. When combined, the results of these tests can provide valuable information identifying occupations that may be both satisfying and successful for them in the future.

Once students receive their results they are able to research specific careers in regards to training, qualities, salary and outlook, and related careers.
In order to give these inventories and research real world implications, an annual career fair is conducted at Fresno Christian. At this event students are able to hear from local professionals about daily life in their occupations. Career professionals share important information about education, training, and job outlook related to their career. This event has proven to be an exciting opportunity for both students and speakers.
This year the 5th annual Fresno Christian Career Fair will be held, Friday, April 15 from 12:35-3 p.m. The following 12 speakers will be presenters at the event:
Dan Liao, ER Medicine Physician
Leslie Rau, Interior Designer
Koby Johns, Firefighter
Steve Villines, Business Developer
Jessica Barrows, Physical Therapist
Paul Loeffler, Sports Announcer
Andrew Rurik, Media Director
Nick Allen, Financial Planner
Colleen Horn, Nutrition/PE Professor
Greg McAllister, Non-Profit Coordinator
Josh Ratzlaff, FBI Agent
Nick Dibiaso, Attorney
Students will be given a choice to sit in on three sessions. Please take the time to review the careers listed and plan accordingly.
Be sure to read Warkentin’s Feb. 22 article, College Corner: Conditional acceptance. She can be reached via: Michelle Warkentin email.