Sold out show delivers worthwhile expierience

As the lights dimmed, the buzzing of the audience subsided. The crowd shifted in their seats, anxious to get a better view. Audience members craned their necks to get a glimpse of the ensemble members as they hurried onstage to perform their opening act. Each seat in the audience was filled with excited viewers, waiting for the performance.
After months of rehearsing and memorizing lines, the drama department performed their play Hello Dolly on May 17, 2016. This year’s play was directed by Kyle Dodson in his second year here on campus.
Nicole Hudecek, ‘16, who played the part of Dolly, had not even heard about the play before this year, but appreciated playing one of the main roles. Hudecek believes that it is the cast that makes drama worthwhile for her.
“I loved playing one of the main roles,” Hudecek said. “It’s a difficult task and it requires responsibility and dedication but I’m really glad to say that I was involved in this production. This year’s play was very different than last year’s. I can say that both years, even through all the stress, I enjoyed myself and treasure the time I was able to spend with the cast.”
The play centered around the characters of Dolly and Cornelius Hackl in the town of Yonkers. Although the these characters were the main part of the play, other cast members such as Colton Allen, ‘20, who played Barnaby, kept the audience entertained and laughing.
Caleb Calderon, ‘16, played another one of the lead roles in Hello Dolly as Cornelius Hackl. Calderon enjoyed being in the production and hopes that everyone tries drama at least once.
“I thought the play was a fantastic and fun experience,” Calderon said. “It’s definitely once in a lifetime, and I think everyone should try drama or acting at least once. Performing on a stage is very different than sitting with an audience and watching someone else sing and dance. When you’re onstage you know the months of effort and teamwork it took to put on a show.”
Many other cast members enjoyed the experience of being in the play and the opportunities it gave them this year. Tatiana Iest,’19, Shares her thoughts on how the performance went and what she learned from participating.
“Hello Dolly was the first musical I have been a part of, and I enjoyed it very much,” Iest said. “It took a lot of time and practice to put the play together, but all the hard work or Mr. Dodson, Mrs. Ainley, and the cast payed off. The play turned out wonderfully and I am sure everyone had fun performing. This year of drama was fun and exciting, and I hope to take it again next year.”

Others who went to the play enjoyed the humor and the chance to see their friends take on a new personality. Julia Fikse, ‘19, thought that the play was well put together, but suggest that the audio should have been better.
“My favorite part of the play was when the boys were hiding in the hat shop,” Fikse said. “I went to the play because I wanted to see my cousin Tatiana in the play. I liked the plot of Hello Dolly it was really funny. I would recommend going to the play because it was a lot of fun watching and seeing people act differently than their actual personalities. The only thing I would change in the play would be better sound,some parts were hard to hear. Overall it was really good and everyone did great.”
Although some went to the play to watch friends and family members act on stage, others went for the opportunity to learn more about drama.
Clark Zhu, ‘17, believes that seeing a play can also help anyone who is interested in cinematic arts.
“I have a friend in film school told me that learning drama is very helpful in filmmaking therefore I want to see a drama play in real life,” Zhu said. “It turned out to be an incredible experience. I would recommend everyone who is interested in dramatic arts and cinematic arts to see this play.”
For more information on the drama department, meet with Kyle Dodson or contact the school office.
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