Presidential nominees reflect polar views
Every four years our nation is pitted against itself as both Republicans and Democrats strive to make their candidate appear suitable for the role of President of the United States. Never is our nation more divided than when the presidential debates begin. Both parties normally admire their candidates, however this upcoming election is sure to be different for the rest.
Both the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, have seen their fair share of controversy and ridicule since they announced they were running for the presidency. But many Americans are asking themselves if either candidate is suitable for such an important position.
As the calendar counts down to election day, both candidates continue to look very opposite and continue to polarize themselves from each other. Both have different views on what is best for the economy and how to deal with foreign trade.
Although both candidates may not be ideal (at all), there are still some positive elements for each that voters much consider before the election. It’s time to consider our options.
Donald Trump
Although he may not have much (or any) background in politics, the author of over 15 best selling books has developed quite the following in recent months. As president, Trump plans to lower the tax rates while also creating more American jobs. He intends to use American energy (for example, American fuel, coal etc.) in order to boost the economy and put Americans to work.
Globally, Trump plans on applying his business skills to the presidency. He wants to re-negotiate trade agreements to give the United States better deals while also adding tariffs to other nations who trade with the U.S.
He plans on building up the military in order to protect the nation from international threats while also improving the conditions for veterans across the country. Trumps also stands with law enforcement and plans on working with them to improve the current situation that faces our nation.
Regardless of what these candidates have completed, everyone should vote in the election. Far to many Americans have given their lives for this very freedom. I know, both candidates have their flaws, but by not voting, as citizens we are not carrying out our role. This election, don’t find an excuse not to vote, take advantage of this freedom. –Mariana Fikse
The former reality television star is most notably being attacked by Democrats for his strong stance on immigration. Although it should be noted that many are impressed with his willingness to stand up against major issues without being, as some say, “politically correct.” However a recent trip he made to Mexico suggests that he may actually be more sensitive to the issue than his opponent Clinton.
Unlike Clinton, Trump strongly supports American’s right to own firearms. He believes that the second amendment should guarantee American’s this right and that it should not be taken away from them. Trump also separates himself from Clinton on matters such as abortion. He believes that it is the government’s job to protect lives, and is against most abortions. (Although he has stated that he believes it is okay in some situations, such as if the mother’s life was in danger.)
Now let’s take a look at the downside. Many attack Trump for allegedly being a racist, and some people believe he is to impulsive to become the president. Others believe his “business like” character would make him untrustworthy in a position of such power. His arrogant behavior leads even the most conservative Republicans questioning whether or not he would be able to compose himself during foreign negotiations.
Regardless of these things, Trump still seems to be climbing in the polls. In some recent polls he is actually ahead of Clinton.
Hillary Clinton

As president, Clinton plans on adding to or strengthening many of the things implemented by current president, Barack Obama. She plans to fight for affordable health care while also ensuring that veterans get the health care they need.
Outside of the United States, Clinton plans on strengthening our current allies while also reinforcing the Iran nuclear deal. She also plans on being stronger against terrorist groups such as ISIS.
Clinton plans on raising the tax rates for the wealthy and lowering the tax rates for the lower class citizens. She also plans on working with the government to raise the minimum wage. Unlike Trump, Clinton wants to make it easier for immigrants to live in the United States, which has caused concern among some people who are worried about the security of our nation. However among others, it has received nothing but praise.
The former Secretary of State also plans on strengthening gun control and making it more difficult for Americans to own firearms. As far as abortion is concerned, Clinton believes that it is the woman’s right to have an abortion and does not plan on involving the government in such matters whatsoever. Not surprisingly, Clinton appears to have a majority of hispanic voters on her side, but seems to be slipping in some recent polls (possibly due to recent health concerns.)
While she appears much more professional in debates and speeches than her opponent, Clinton, like Trump, also has many concerned for the well being of our nation. Her widely publicized email scandal has many wondering if she is capable of handling classified information. Her involvement (or lack thereof) with the Benghazi attacks has also landed her in hot water.
While Clinton remains ahead in most polls, only time will tell if she becomes the next President of the United States.
Regardless of what these candidates have completed, everyone should vote in the election. Far to many Americans have given their lives for this very freedom. I know, both candidates have their flaws, but by not voting, as citizens we are not carrying out our role. This election, don’t find an excuse not to vote, take advantage of this freedom.
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