Join the Discussion: 2016 Presidential Election
After months of campaigns and debates, election day is finally here. Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike must now vote on the candidate they believe is best fit to run our nation.
Feather staff members spoke with students to get their opinion on why it is important to vote. Although many students are not old enough to vote at this time, many still understand the importance this election poses for the future of the nation.
Right of the people
Dawson Triplett, Senior
November 8, 2016
“Democracy is the right of the people to vote for who they want to be the leaders,” Triplitt said. “Voting matters because it’s the only chance you get to voice your opinion and play a part in the central government. In my opinion it doesn’t really matter who is president because in the end congress can overrule them, and so can the Supreme Court.”
Preserving America
Blake Deffenbacher, Freshman
November 8, 2016
“Democracy is the government that was developed to allow power to the people of our country and preserve the conservative, Christian morals of our countries founding fathers,” Deffenbacher said. “It is crucial that as Christians, we support and elect Donald Trump so that we have a strong leader that is not afraid to protect our country and that will appoint supreme court justices that are conservative. Hopefully, the supreme court justices will stand up for Christian ethics on topics such as life, same gender marriage, and put prayer and the Bible back into our country and public schools.”
Understanding the importance of voting
Trisha Cui, Junior
November 8, 2016
“Democracy is when you have right to vote for who you want to vote for,” Cui said. “It gives you the choice to pick. Voting matters because you can choose the leader for your country. It doesn’t matter for me who is president.”
Electing suitable leaders
Cate Vander Kooi, Junior
November 8, 2016
“A democracy is a government by the people, where the people get a say in who our leaders are,” Vander Kooi said. “Voting matters because not a lot of people in other countries can vote, so the fact that we get a say in who our leaders are going to be is really important. It definitely matters who is president. They have so much power that you want to be able to elect the right leader.”
Voting not taken for granted
Julie Donis, Senior
November 8, 2016
“Democracy is the right for people to semi run the country with deliberation from a head power,” Donis said. “Voting matters because it is our right to practice democracy, in my opinion. It’s a huge thing that other countries don’t get to do and something that we as Americans should take pride in doing. I think Trump should become president. I think Donald Trump is honest, he hasn’t lied, he gives straight up opinions on things and he wasn’t born into politics.”
Advantage as citizens
Damien Boyce, Senior
November 8, 2016
“I think Democracy is the right for people to vote in our country,” Boyce said. “I think voting matters because, especially for me since I am African American, we haven’t always had the right to vote, so we should take advantage of it now. I want Hillary to win because I just don’t trust Trump. He has said really sexist things about women, so I want Hillary to win.”
Election effects the lives of the people
Logan Lewis, Freshman
November 8, 2016
“Democracy is a form of government in which the people rule through elected representatives,” Lewis said. “Voting matters, because it is one of our rights that we have as Americans. It also is important who becomes our next president, because what they do will affect the way of life for many people.”
Keeping the faith in God
Shauna Howard, Freshman
November 8, 2016
“In my words I think of democracy as a form of government in which it is ruled by the people and for the people,” Howard said. “Voting matters, because we want to be able to keep our right as citizens to be able to choose who we want to represent us. In the long run, I don’t really think it matters who becomes president because God ultimately chooses who is our leaders and really His kingdom is the only kingdom that lasts. He has the power to do anything through anyone.”
Making important decisions
Reece Trevino, Sophomore
November 8, 2016
“Democracy allows us as citizens to elect officials to make decisions for us.” Trevino said. “Voting matters to me because it is our right, and we get to elect who we want to run our country instead of the government selecting people for us. I haven’t really been following the presidential debates, but I know enough that whoever gets elected with make decisions that will affect everyone.”
America needs a leader to take initiative
Kyle Friesen, Freshman
November 8, 2016
“Democracy is a type of government ruled by the people,” Friesen said. “Voting matters because it is important for people to have a voice. I think it really matters who becomes our next president, because our country is pretty messed up right now and we need someone to put us back on the right track.”
Trusting God with our future
Macie Thompson, Sophomore
November 8, 2016
“I honestly don’t know what a democracy is, but I hope to learn more about it,” Thompson said. “I think voting is important, because it gives us a leader, and in the Bible it says to follow our leaders. I don’t really think that it matters who becomes president, because it is God’s plan, and He already knows what the outcome is, so there is no sense in worrying about it.”
Trump to get the job done
Wesley Hinton, Freshman
November 8, 2016
“A democracy is a form of government where the power rests in the peoples hands,” Hinton said. “I really think that it is important that Donald J. Trump becomes our next president, because he is pro-life unlike Clinton and other third party candidates. Although he is not a perfect man I believe that he will do a much better job than the other candidates. Even though I want Trump to win I know that God is in control.”
What are your thoughts about the election and who did you vote for? Leave your comments below to join in on the discussion.
For more on the election, read Upcoming Election Brings Uncertainty to Nation.
Who Should Be President? from The Feather Online on Vimeo.