William Hierholzer, ?07, and Matthew Karahadian, ?06, observes as Ashley Davis, ?07, explains her cell model in A.P. biology. Marvin Harms challenged the advanced Biology class to construct a model describing the various parts of the cell.
Bethany Morton, ?06, points out her cell model as this tasty AP biology project adds interest and inventiveness to the everyday study of living organisms. Succumbing to the temptation of eating the cell, the class indulged in the replica of the organism. Morton?s cell consisted of a cupcake nucleus, fruit roll-up Golgi bodies, and gummy worm plasma membranes.
Bethany Morton, ’06, shared her candy decorated, icing covered, and angel food cell with the rest of the A.P. biology class. Seniors Jennifer Schmidt, April Fujihara and Krizia Tovar enjoyed the fruits of her labor.