In attempts to further understand Mexican culture, Spanish III teacher, Beatriz Foth, invited Diann Widamann to speak to the class on Nov. 18. Widamann, the children?s pastor at Butler Mennonite Brethren Church in Fresno, shared personal experiences concerning the Mexican way of life.
Although born in the United States, Widamann has a rich Mexican heritage. She descends from Texan mojados, workers who swam the Rio Grande River to reach this country, and Californian braceros, who came to this country through San Diego.
?I knew she had a lot to share about the Mexican culture,? Foth said. ?She is also a very funny and animated person.?
Opening the period with a short Bible story, Widamann told of Peter?s vision that gave him permission to eat foods of all kinds. She used the story to illustrate that first impressions of a culture usually come by way of food.
Widamann?s Mexican heritage was demonstrated in the facets of Latino customs she shared. Along with a chicken enchilada meal, students were able to listen to classical and modern Mexican music and see some popular toys.
During her visit, Widamann also told stories of her trip to Spain. She discovered that Spanish cuisine is very different than that of modern America. The Spanish include many seafood plates in their cuisine.
The stories and food Widamann shared with the class gave a view of someone who truly lives the culture. Students admired the fact that she took time to talk to the class.
?She was very funny,? Bonnie Hansen, ?07, said. ?I appreciated her willingness to share her story.?
For more information on this article, e-mail Foth at [email protected].