Three years of waiting and the time has finally come: finally a chance to be free from John’s lunch truck and the watchful eye of a wandering teacher.
Finally the seniors can leave and enjoy a meal in isolation with their friends.
Fueled by a later lunch schedule, seniors now are rarely seen on campus at lunch as they quickly jump into their cars and speed to near-by eateries. But, there are five seniors taking the initiative and sacrificing their long-awaited right to be independent.
These seniors say they are staying on campus to connect with other students and help bridge gaps and create a smooth transition to high school. They meet new freshman or transfer students and interact with them over lunch.
Some see this as a solution for the annual problem on campus: a lack of school spirit and shallow student relationships. If these five students have changed what the rest of the school thinks about seniors and their priorities, think about what 20 students could do for school moral?
If the senior class is concerned with the legacy they leave behind, or even the students they influence on a daily basis, it is important that they take the time to show it. To stay on campus one day a week is not a huge sacrifice, but could drastically change the mood on campus this year and for years for come.
A senior’s right to be more independent and “adult” should include the responsibility to pave the way for younger students. With the expectation to be the more mature class on campus, the seniors can live up to this responsibility and decrease the need for isolation around them.