‘Shoulder to Shoulder’ dads pray for students, staff, school
The Shoulder to Shoulder men’s group held a monthly meeting on Nov. 1 at 6:30 a.m. This group plans meeting on the first Wednesday of each month. Groups are constituted by fathers of campus students from all grades, together on campus for morning prayer.
Numbers of fathers from the Shoulder to Shoulder men’s group showed up at November’s meeting. They prayed over current campus events and specific individuals. There are currently 15 men in the group.
“We are stronger together, and by gathering even once a month we can support and sharpen each other (Proverbs 27:17). Through prayer, we have access to God.” Paul Loeffler, the Men’s group leader, said. “We recognize that His plans are always better than ours, and that His timing is perfect, so we pray for His will to be done in our homes and on our campus.”
Shoulder to Shoulder was started as a forum for the dad’s of campus to get together to encourage each other and to pray for the students, staff and community of Fresno Christian Schools. This group is men coming together and taking one hour on each month to invest into praying for each other and for students.
The group commits to pray over the school, campus and community. The group believes that God has called everyone to pray for their school. Jason Saelzler, a member of Shoulder to Shoulder, believes it is important for fathers of campus students to pray for their children.
“The Shoulder to Shoulder group means a lot to me,” Saelzler said. “It is a reoccurring appointment on my calendar that I plan other appointments around. In life, I’m very concerned about the lack of men grabbing hold of the responsibility that the Lord has given them as men, husbands, fathers, and friends. We as men need to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and invest eternally.”
The group hopes to gain support and encouragement from campus. They hosted homecoming float preparations for the freshmen class and look to help out the campus in other ways as well.
“I believe the most important thing would be intentionally asking the Lord for opportunities to show his love to students, parents, and staff here at FCS,” Saelzler said. “Imagine what our school would be like if we faithfully prayed for each other, encouraged each other, and interacted with each other in an understanding way. That’s what I call living the dream.”
Praying isn’t only asking for God to do something, it is a conversation. During this time, God will speak to us. He will speak through the devotion, through prayer or the encouragement of another man in the room. — Jeremy Brown, Superintendent
Besides praying, men’s group members also get involved with other groups supporting the school. Jason Sealzler and another Shoulder to Shoulder men’s group member, Tim Poplin, also help with coaching flag football after school and chaperone for most school outings which their sons are involved.
FCS superintendent Jeremy Brown also participates in the Shoulder to Shoulder men’s group.

“It has been incredible to see so many men come together to serve our school in a spiritual capacity,” Brown said. “We believe that seeking God’s protection and guidance is vital to FCS. It is vital to everyone. We believe that our duties as fathers is as much spiritual as it is physical. Not just to our children but to our community.
“As the superintendent of the FCS, I have been so encouraged by the support of our community,” Brown continued. “Ultimately, all of this is to support our belief that God has called this generation of students to change the world. I believe that our students and all students in this generation have a calling to influence this culture and world for Christ. I see it happening every day and I know every time I see it, I know there is a praying parent, teacher, grandparent, or random community member praying for us. It always makes me smile.”
Fathers who are interested in joining Shoulder to Shoulder men’s group can contact Paul Loeffler for more information: [email protected] or just come to the next meeting, Dec. 6 in Room 603.
For more articles, read PROMO: Freshman leads Bible study or Let’s Talk: Depression.
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