When thinking of college and college majors, student?s choices are usually limited by a single factor: funds.
The cost of college differs for each student depending on their major. Students will usually choose between two degrees: a Bachelor?s degree in science or in the arts. The arts include subjects such as humanities and liberal arts, and sciences include subjects like economics and mathematics.
A degree in the a Bachelor of Arts program, such as humanities, social sciences, or fine arts, will typically be less expensive than a degree in a Bachelor of Science program, as more courses are required.
The choice for a major is made by preference, but is often changed by the student?s financial condition.
Students must look at the cost to benefit ratio when deciding what subject to major in college. A stronger major will result in a better job. Majoring in a more promising field will cost more in tuition, but will result in higher wages later on.
?I plan on majoring in pre-med when I go to college,? Mathew Karahadian, ?06, said. ?The cost made me consentience of my financial situation, but did not effect my decision. I?m majoring in what I really want to do.?
When entering into college, most students chose to major in a subject that most interests them. They must choose to study something they love
?I?m planning on majoring in music composition,? Kelsey Boogusch, ?06, said. ?It?s a really good career to get into, and more importantly, its something I?m really interested in. I love music, so I get the chance to have a career in something I enjoy.?
Majors such as nursing, graphic design, and other studio programs can become a nightmare when students recognize their expenses. A single class can cause thousands when requirements such as uniform, testing fees, and other supplies add up.
?It depends on the individuals preference,? Jon Endicott, student counselor, said. ?A major in science tends to be harder than one received in the arts; but it depends on the persons strengths. The two are both very different, but it all comes down to your preference.?
While scholarships will pay for some of students? schooling, the individual typically pays for the majority of tuition.
?Most students will receive some money for their schooling,? Endicott said. ?You can always receive money from a private school. The question is, will it be enough to pay for where you want to go??
Students can apply for their scholarships to pay for expensive majors. Unlike student loans, scholarships do not have to be paid back.
Money can be gained in different ways. Scholarships are always available for those who will work for them. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships are awarded each year from a plethora of sponsors.
Certain majors will cost more than others, but eventually they will pay off. Students must decide whether they are willing to pay the large amounts of money to reap the benefits. When deciding on a major, it is important to debate the question of a large student loan debt worth the degree being sought after?
For more information on scholarships, go online to www.fastweb.com or www.collegeboard.com.