Why should anyone take journalism? Honestly publications class demands hard work and dedication. Students are required to sell adds for each semester or donation money in order to put out the paper.
Many consider journalism as just an easy elective when in reality it is one of the hardest. Each month students need to write two to three new articles each month or their grades will drop significantly.
The advisor has high expectations for writing skill. Deadlines need to be met and reporters need to be able to deal with criticism. These are a few of the many responsibilities that come upon you.
When I first herd about journalism I was a little hesitant about joining, but through the persuasion of my friends it seemed as if joining was the only option. One thing that motivated my joining the staff was not only to improve my writing but also the benefits that come along with being in journalism.
One such perk came last year when I had a chance to go to Columbia University in New York City with the staff. We took workshop classes and toured the Big Apple and overall had an enjoyable experience.
However, journalism is not all big-city trips and meeting a few deadlines. Upon meeting the adviser, Greg Stobbe, I did not know what to think of him. While he can easily make you laugh, he also wields a very serious side as well. Many do not venture into journalism because they are bad writers or they are afraid of Stobbe?s wrath.
Stobbe?s one-on-one instruction helps improve writing styles and he shows you the do?s and don?t of journalism. When I first started journalism I was a pretty bad writer. But over the past year, I have improved more than I ever could if I did not take this class.
As time went on I improved in writing and bonded closer with my fellow classmates. Then the year ended and I was put in a predicament. Should I take journalism again?
I decided rejoin because I felt I still could learn more and improve my writing. Now I am not only in for the benefits but for the practice in writing.
Being involved now has improved my writing skills not only for journalism but also for English. When writing essays or thesis statements, journalism has come in handy. Taking this class has enhanced my social skill because of all the required interviewing sessions.
This campus has been an award wining nationally ranked online newspaper. Currently we are in the top seven, being judged to go on to the top three best online newspapers. Even being involved in a paper can boost anyone?s college resume.
Journalism well prepares high school students for general paper writing in college. In addition, some colleges look for students that have gone beyond expectations with high grades and AP classes by taking work related extra-curricular activities.
I have experienced the positive and negative sides of journalism. Even being in journalism for one year gave me the opportunity to meet new people. While I did not begin as the best writer on staff and I still am not the best, journalism is helping me get better. I am planning on being in this class next year because it has given me more writing experience than I ever could imagine.