A man stands on the corner of two busy streets in the center of town yelling, ?turn or burn? in a bullhorn. Streetwalkers pass by with mocks and repulsion at the invasive man.
Annoyed people brush past the man reluctant to receive brochures and pamphlets he attempts to hand out. The ears of those who pass by are closed to such trenchant accusations. His approach proves imprudent.
Dan Brown?s The Da Vinci Code has sparked controversial debate in the Christian community. The movie directed by Ron Howard [Cinderella Man] and produced by Ryan Grazer [A Beautiful Mind] is about to reach audiences all over the country on May 19.
The mixed feelings on the new movie have sparked varied responses among Christians. Some may brush aside the film as just entertainment, many believe that boycotting the movie will help reveal the truth of Christ while others see the movie as an opportunity to evangelize.
The book begins with claiming that a secret society in Europe is fact when it is not. Rather it is the mixture of acclaimed facts in this fictional novel that confuses many. For example, one of the many claims that the book and movie makes is that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had children.
Negative press is often more effective than positive press as shown in the reactions of many religious extremists on The Last Temptation of Christ. Brought to the public by Martin Scorsese in 1988, the movie generated much negative press among Christians and eventually resulted in mass boycotts and protests.
Scorsese?s film portrayed Jesus in a struggle between his flesh and spiritual nature and included visions of a possible life with Mary Magdalene. The movie characterized Jesus as more inclined to sin, attempting to make him more relatable to people.
The Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou [Amelie] and Ian McKellan [The Lord of the Rings] is a mysterious and suspenseful story that revolves around a murder of a museum curator connected to a world of secret societies and the search to unravel the mysteries hidden in the works of Da Vinci.
The book sounds like a mixture between the Indiana Jones’ series and Jerry Bruckheimer and Jon Turteltaub?s National Treasure. With Brown?s interest in code-breaking and covert government agencies, his works involve many mysterious aspects that create suspense for readers.
Yet, this mystery often clouds the minds of its readers. As in most cases of suspense a viewer or reader is not allayed unless a rational explanation is present. Once a person is drawn into the story, the difference between fact and fiction is muddled.
Brown?s use of historically accurate places and events coupled with his conspiracy theories not only piques the interest of curiosity seekers but it creates discomfort among those who pursue truth.
Josh McDowell, famous Christian author and apologist, recently wrote The Da Vinci Code: A Quest For Answers. This 100-page book published by Green Key Books seeks to encourage dialogue about Brown?s controversial book and addresses the discrepancies of the ?facts?.
?By responding wisely to The Da Vinci Code book and movie, the church can be strengthened,? McDowell write in his personal website, ?and many nominal believers and seekers grounded in the true faith of Jesus Christ.?
McDowell encourages Christians to use this movie and book as an opportunity for evangelism. Other knowledgeable people recognize the relevance the movie will have in our culture.
?The Da Vinci Code offers the Christian community an opportunity to enter into conversation,? Chris Schultz, video productions adviser, said. ?Let?s make sure we know the truth and can dialogue about it with people who are interested.?
Dan Brown currently continues his mysterious endeavors with the sequel to The Da Vinci Code. This time the main character will be involved in America?s secrets.
The real issue revolving around the book turned movie is the relevance of truth. Whether by protest or dialogue The Da Vinci Code creates opportunity to discover the real beliefs and history of Christianity and opportunity to help others find the truth.
For more information go to www.davinciquest.org, www.danbrown.com/novels or www.christianitytoday.com.
For information on Josh McDowell go to www.josh.org.
For movie reviews, go online to www.fandango.com.