Leadership students give election speeches in front of the student body at lunch, Aug. 16. Only one person runs for an ASB position but each student is still required to create posters for the hallways and a written speech.

Positions and candidates are listed below.

President – Alexander Rurik, ’19.

Vice President – Kamryn Schultz, ’19.

Activities Director – Logan Lewis, ’20.

Chaplain – Reese Brown, ’19, and Avery Jones, ’20.

Treasurer – Griffin Schmidt, ‘19.

Secretary – Samuel Cross, ’19.

HS students vote for the ASB positions and a class representative. Each grade votes for one leadership student to represent their class.

Voting results will be announced soon.  

Slideshow images below show images from the ASB candidate speeches, Aug. 16.

[rev_slider alias=”-fc-2018-asb-election-“]

This author can be reached via twitter @juliafikse via email: Julia Fikse.

For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2018-19.