With their chins held high and their hands clasped in midair, the members of the high school marching band stride across the football field. New band instructor, Chris Rice, yells instructions as he perfects their technique and gets them ready for their first field show.
For the first time in many years, the marching band will not only perform in parades, but will also compete in field shows.
“As high school musicians, we should have a chance to experience all the gamuts that band provides,” Rice said.
Though Rice has big plans for his marching band, there is some doubt among the students whether or not extra practice sessions will have an effect on the band’s performance in field shows.
“We are not going to do very good in field shows because we lost a lot of people this year,” Matthew Andreatta, ’09, said. “I like to do concerts, not field shows. Just marching is fine, but field shows will make me dizzy.”
Marching band field shows include unfamiliar maneuvers, such as moving sideways, backwards, and diagonally. For some, it proves difficult, but Wolfgang Dunne, ’08, believes that with enough practice the field shows will be worth the effort.
“Two years ago, we tried to learn how to march in a field show,” Dunne said. “We were not very good, so it did not fall through. This year, we have got seniors who have come back, so I think we will do better this year, as long as we practice enough.”
Like Dunne, Rice’s faith holds strong in his students. He plans on taking the band to a new field show and parade in Stockton, to the Lincoln review of champions on Nov. 18, and will also include a field show at the Selma Band Review on Oct. 28.
“I think parade will be just as good as previous years,” Rice said. “The field shows, I think, will be a learning experience. I almost do not want to make a prediction, because you never know what may happen.”
Included in the year’s new itinerary are the home football games. At each varsity game, the band will play to boost the team’s determination.
“The sports and music programs should be more closely united, so I want to support them,” Rice said. “As a band we are part of the support system and spirit. If we are not there, the heart is not there. We are even getting a knew fight song that we will add to traditions for school.”
While the band will perform during the Strathmore football game on Sept. 8, the first parade will take place at the Caruthers Fair on Sept. 30. For more information, contact [email protected].