Instead of a typical school day, most of the school shut their textbooks and headed for the beach.
Student leadership organized the annual beach trip to the central coast on Sept. 15. A record high of over 260 students went to Cayucos Beach to eat lunch, relax, accompany friends and watch football.
?I was so pumped to get out of class and go to the beach,? Christina Cabias, ?07, said. ?I wanted to play games on the sand and root for our football team.?
Less then 30 students and 10 teachers remained on campus for six hours of study hall.
?I couldn?t go on the beach trip because I wanted to be well rested on Saturday for my church community service project,? David Quenzer, ?07, said. ?It was boring because all my friends were at the beach trip.?
While at Cayucos, students were allowed free time from 1:30-3:45 P.M. including a time to explore the cafes for lunch.
“I took my luncheon at Ducky’s Chowder House,” Phil Unruh, ’07, said, “where I was served an excellent bowl of clam chowder and a platter of onion rings. The service was prompt and I chose it because it was the closest place to the bus. Afterwards I reminisced with P.E. coach Scott Callisch about his previous trips to Cayucos. Then his son, Mitch (’09), sat on the other side of me and I experienced a Callisch sandwich.”
After lunch students played football and ultimate Frisbee on the shore, while others walked along the pier and shopped at local stores.
?I went on the beach trip because I am a freshman and I have never gone before,? Amanda Edwards said. ?I thought it was really fun. My friends and I went shopping and played on the beach. It was nice to have freedom to be by ourselves.?
While the Eagles lost to Mission College Prep, 25-30, at Morro Bay High, the Nuthouse, also known as the Eagle cheering section, outnumbered and out cheered the Royals fans most of the game.
?It was great having the student body in full force,? Jon Hall, varsity football coach, said. ?Cheering on an inspired effort in the second half definitely helped.?
The students returned to campus by bus at 1 A.M. and, with another high turnout, another beach trip most likely would be scheduled for next year.
?I thought the beach trip was fun but long,? Kelsey Penner, ?08, said. ?The game was cold but exciting when I was engaged in the Nuthouse.?
For more information, email Josh Tosland, leadership adviser, at [email protected], or Ericlee Gilmore at [email protected].