Pink Heals strives to spread love, encouragement to cancer patients
Entering into the summer before her sophomore year, junior Lindsay Weimer never expected to face a hip replacement, pelvic reconstruction, on top of being diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma during her teenage years. However, without her doctors, family and Pink Heals supporting her, it would be difficult to overcome this obstacle.
In June of 2017 Weimer was diagnosed with a type of cancer only 1% of children in the U.S. suffer from. At first, she thought she pulled a muscle in her hip. Letting it go and not thinking much of it, the pain began to progress.
She finally took a visit to the doctor, and after a series of scans and tests, she later found out a tumor was growing in her right pelvis. Weimer, with her family constantly by her side, continued to pray and ask for direction on what to do next.
Weimer shares how she trusted in the Lord when she found out she was diagnosed with cancer and knew that He held the ultimate plan. She describes her relief that her chemotherapy treatments took place in Fresno.
“I didn’t know how things would turn out, but I knew that God was going to come through,” Weimer said. “We prayed for guidance, and the option that seemed to make the most sense at that time was starting chemotherapy at Valley Children’s Hospital. God really came through by providing a way for me to be in Fresno as I was going through treatments.”
Undergoing chemotherapy, Weimer later agreed to a hip replacement at Kaiser Permanente Hospital. The Kaiser Cancer Center consists of advanced research while using the latest technology and techniques. Weimer’s successful medical operation showed that she overcame cancer and everything else she experienced. She is currently in remission and makes a visit to the hospital every three months for a check up.
As Weimer went through this difficult time she experienced a great deal of support. Weimer shares the exciting surprise from Pink Heals and the encouragement and support she felt while going through her treatments.
“The fire truck and police car came to my grandma’s house,” Weimer said. “Each volunteer gave me a rose and prayed over me as well as asked me to sign the fire truck and police car. I had a huge support base and it really got me through that time. My friends and family and even people I didn’t know came around me and held me up as I was going through my treatments.”

Located not only in the U.S., Pink Heals visits individuals in Canada and the U.K as well. There are 53 Pink Heals chapters in the U.S. California holds two chapters, the Fresno Country chapter and the Tulare Chapter.
Pink Heals first started as one single fire truck to now dozens of donated and restored fire trucks, motorcycle, and police cars. Within the Fresno Country Chapter six vehicles are used to visit individuals. Each automobile is named after a person stricken with cancer or life threatening illness. For example Lisa Lewis, the president of Fresno Country Pink Heals chapter, shares about a women who passed away from cancer and now has a police car named after her, as well as her favorite part of Pink Heals.
“We made a visit for a mother,” Lewis said. “We didn’t know her and once we visited her she decided that she wanted to volunteer with us. She was very involved with us and then when she lost her battle we named a police car after her. My favorite part is seeing the faces of those that have battled a life threatening disease when they see the vehicle and they see the signatures all over the vehicle and what it means.”
Pink Heals partners with different fire stations, such as Sanger Fire and Clovis Fire. They also partner with Old Town Clovis businesses and all their partnerships, keeping Pink Heals in the community’s minds eye.
I didn’t know how things would turn out, but I knew that God was going to come through. We prayed for guidance and the option that seemed to make the most sense at that time was starting chemotherapy at Valley Children’s Hospital. God really came through by providing a way for me to be in Fresno as I was going through treatments. — Lindsay Weimer
Weimer overcame an obstacle not everyone overcomes and she never knew that she would have to fight an illness that has no cure. Weimer shows her strength and perseverance as she continues taking part in her hobbies on top of living a normal teenage life. As cancer continues to attack innocent lives, Pink Heals continues to visit everyone they can, to share hope, love and support while striving to bring the community together all over the country.
Because Pink Heals is a non-profit organization, they raise money in many different ways. They sell t-shirts and merchandise as well as put on different events to raise money. Donate to Pink Heals by visiting Pink Heals website. You can buy merchandise or leave a donation if you please.
For more articles, read Professionals explore the significance of signatures or Students share struggles with depression.
Annabelle Messer can be reached via email or twitter.