When students talk about varsity players, they often think juniors and seniors, but every once in a while there is a freshman or sophomore that exceeds the expectations of a team and moves up to varsity.
“We just fill needs on the team,” Larry Orender, volleyball coach, said. “If we think a freshman is qualified, we bring them up to varsity.”
Quinn Livingston, ’10, wanted to make varsity for all four years of high school, since she was in elementary.
“I always hoped to make varsity volleyball since I was in elementary school,” Quinn Livingston said. “Now that I have made it I feel like I accomplished my goal of making varsity.”
On average, coach Orender moves up one freshman to the varsity squad each year. Kally Batesole, ’09, also made the varisty team her freshmen year.
“I think I’ve definitely improved,” Batesole said. “I have more of a want to get better in volleyball. I think volleyball is one of the most enjoyable things I do with my spare time.”
Batesole believes her sister, Kassie Batesole, ’06, acted as a role model to support her. Kassie was a strong support system to a beginning freshman and a link to the older girls respect and friendship.
“Looking at it now I didn?t get any freshman stuff done to me,” Kally said. “I had Kassie to stand up for me and I was accepted.”
Melanie Nachtigall, ’08, has played volleyball since she was she joined as a freshman on the volleyball team and has been playing for about nine years of her life.
“I’ve been playing volleyball almost all my life,” Nachtigall said. “I like the sport a lot.”
Some girls have the ability to move on to a certain level of college ball at schools like: Point Loma, Biola, Vanguard, Westmount and Masters. It just depends on if they want to make that commitment.
“I think maybe one or two girls on this year’s team could go on to become a volleyball player at one of these schools,” coach Orender said. The girls will have to make a commitment to play in the offseason though to improve skills and stay sharp.”
For more information regarding volleyball, contact Orender through the high school office at 299-1695, ext. 5.