Dress-up days encourage school spirit
The weather heats up, finals pass by, and students begin to think about what summer vacation holds. As plans are set in place and summer fever kicks in, campus students finish the year with a week of dress-up days.
Dress-up days have developed into a way to encourage school spirit and involvement during a busy week on campus. Similar to homecoming dress-up week, each day holds a different theme. Starting off the week with Hat and Sunglasses Monday, FC students have the opportunity to wear their favorite hat and pair of sunglasses. As these accessories are against dress code, this day is an exception.
Addie Richardson, ’21, remembers the homecoming dress-up days and looks forward to the opportunity to relive the experience.
“I like seeing the school get involved in activities,” Richardson said, “it’s really interesting to see all the different outfits people wear. It reminds me of when we all dress up for homecoming and get to see everyone’s creative and wild costumes. It just adds an element of fun and silliness to the last week of school while we take finals and wrap up the year.”
Junior Zeke Fuller shares his summer plans and his excitement for his senior year.
“Yes, I am excited for summer,” Fuller said. “I can not wait to be able to hang with my friends, work, play football, and have lots of free time. I am going to be working a lot and playing football, as well as hanging out with friends, and go on small family vacations. My birthday is in the summer and I’m planning on going skydiving! I am not sad school is ending because I still have senior year, so my ride is not quite over.”
In the following podcast, Annabelle Messer discusses the end of the school year with sophomore Andrew Moore.
Looking forward to summer, Avery Loeffler, ’22, shares what her plans are for summer and her expectations for sophomore year next year.
“Yes, I am excited for summer,” Loeffler said. “I am excited that I get to relax and go on vacation to Santa Cruz. I am going to hang out with my friends and I am going to go to the beach. I am going to be sad that school is ending because I like being able to see my friends everyday during the day. I am excited for next year because I am looking forward to the classes I will be taking.”

Tropical Tuesday is the following dress up day. Students and faculty dress up as if they were on a tropical island. The final dress up day is Western Wednesday. Students dress up as a cowboy or cowgirl in their favorite boots, hats, and flannels. .
The last day of school includes the annual end of year awards. They will be held in the G.L. Johnson Chapel, May 23, starting at 9:30 am. Individual students will be awarded with specific awards given by each teacher. In the SMC, students will do year book signings and give their goodbyes to teachers and friends for the following summer. The 38th annual graduation will be held on May 23 at 7 p.m. in the Peoples Church main auditorium.
For more articles check out, High school summer internships aid student career choices and Track finishes season, breaks multiple school records.
Annabelle Messer can be reached via email and Twitter.