Feather staffers journey down to Southern California, taking part in the JEA/NSPA Spring Journalism Convention in Anaheim, April 23-27.
Prior to the convention, the team visits Warner Brother Studios to tour the backlot and various movie sets. Students get an insider look at the creation of their favorite movies, as well as insight into future movies. Nearing a century since its founding, Warner Bros. has grown into a billion dollar company, grossing $5.67 billion in 2018.
After touring the backlot, the team travels to the ABC7 L.A. newsroom to learn the ins and outs of a day to day broadcast news operation. The channel covers the majority of the Los Angeles area on both their news channel and website.
The following day, the 23 staffers, along with 44,000 fellow daily visitors, explore the streets of Disneyland. Students experience the thrill of their favorite rides and look in anticipation to the currently being built, Star Wars Land.
After the recreational activities, the team spends their time at the JEA/NSPA Spring Convention, teaching sessions and learning from fellow students and advisers in the high school journalism world. Feather staffers teach six sessions out of many offered to the over 3,500 students attending the conference. These sessions include, ‘From the Top Down: Editor-in-Chief’, ‘Enhance with the ‘gram’ and ‘Video Journalism: Quality and quantity with style’.
The Feather staff returns to Fresno with a 10th place award in the Best of Show competition. Thank you to JEA and NSPA for hosting this event.
The video below shows a recap of The Feather teams trip to Southern California:
The author can be reached via email: Blake Deffenbacher, Instagram and Twitter.
To learn more about the trip, read NSPA Spring Conference day one recap.