Rain pours from a gray streaked sky, flooding down over the crowded streets of Bombay, India. Dr. Mohinder Suresh exits his office, stepping out onto the rain-slicked pavement, with a frustrated bewilderment.
Though there is little Suresh can be certain of, he concludes through his father’s studies, that he has made a breakthrough in his human genome project. Minute changes in the human genetic code have been discovered and these mutations are sparking rapid results. This begins the pilot episode of NBC’s Heroes.
Since its premier in the fall of 2006, Heroes has swept the nation with mystery and suspense, which seems to draw viewers from across the country every Monday night.
With its diverse ensemble of characters, Heroes can relate to most. Heroes bring a new element into the lives and stories of everyday people.
The heroes include Claire Bennett in Odessa, Texas who runs effortlessly into a burning building, intent on saving the lone man trapped inside. She emerges unharmed.
In New York City, two men with very extraordinary abilities find themselves in love with the same woman and are about to cross paths. One man paints the future while another believes he can fly.
Sitting in a cubicle, Hiro Nakamura stops time, face drawn with concentration. In the coming days, Hiro will bend time and space, transporting himself from Japan to New York.
Though each of these characters live in separate regions of the globe, they share a unique distinction from the rest of mankind. With an impending crisis on the horizon, these once ordinary people are the only hope.
From the pilot episode, Heroes continues its dramatic plot line with the characters constantly struggling to overcome the mystery of their abilities. Although they all know they are meant for great things, none can see how to accomplish them.
As time runs short, the heroes struggle to discover their destiny in time to save New York City from certain destruction. The mystery of this impending threat continues to develop as the first season of Heroes progresses.
I would recommend Heroes to any mature audience for the creativity of its plot and its ability to carry thorough suspense with each new episode. The unique ensemble of characters offers a diverse set of storylines that is certain to capture the attention of viewers.