Over 360 Operation Christmas Child boxes were sent off to New Covenant Church, Nov. 18. Three car were filled with boxes packed by Fresno Christian students. The boxes contained toys, hygiene products, educational tools, and clothing items.
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritans Purse, a Christian ministry organization. OCC started in 1990 with thousands of people filling boxes to be shipped to children affected by war, poverty, disease, and natural disasters.
OCC was established in the United Kingdom by married couple Dave and Jill Cooke. Since 1993 OCC has delivered to over 168 million children in 100 different countries. Once shoe boxes are packed, there are over 5,000 different drop-off locations throughout the world. OCC boxes are collected from over 10 countries. Including, the U.S.A. , Australia, Finland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Spain, and the U.K.
The Samaritans Purse was founded by Bob Pierce in 1970, after visiting suffering children on a Korean island, Koje-do. He dedicated himself to support those who spread Christ’s love even if they were in uncomfortable situations.
Once the children receive their boxes, they have the chance to enroll in the 12 lesson discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. This program encourages and establishes long-term relationships with the children and families in that community.
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