The 2020 voting registration ends today, Feb. 18. All American citizens over 18 have the opportunity to register to vote for the presidential election. The election will be on Nov. 3, 2020. There are a total of eight Democrats running for president and three Republicans including current president Donald Trump.
This is the 58th U.S. presidential election. Elections formed after the first president, George Washington was elected in 1789. The U.S. continues to use the electoral college system as they did the first election.
There are multiple ways you can vote in the U.S. including, paper ballots, lever machines, punch card ballots, touch screen voting, and optical scanners. The U.S. has spent millions of dollars to update voting today. Making it convenient as well as accurate.
Make sure to register for voting today at https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote.
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