Style Session No. 10 – Straight Talk
Written by writer, editor and FCS mother Silva Emerian, Style Session is about fashion trends, style and Emerian’s connection with God. Published since 2015, Style Session returns to The Feather after a year-long hiatus. Style Session will be published bi-monthly and Emerian’s previous works can be viewed on her Feather author page. Emerian also runs her own personal blog, On My Shoebox and can be reached via email.

Wash your hands. With soap. Often. This isn’t preschool. We shouldn’t have to remind you to use warm, soapy water and sing Happy Birthday twice.
Pick out your clothes with God in mind. You don’t need to impress anyone else.
Go easy on the fast food, soda and junk. It’s good once in a while; it’s necessary once in a while. But don’t depend on it.
Dress appropriately. This school has dress codes for a reason. You don’t need an excuse, explanation or justification to be obedient.
Watch your profanity. It’s easy to start cussing but much harder to break the habit as you get older.
Read your Bible. Even if it’s only one verse a day. You don’t have to set aside a special time and space for daily devotions (unless you want to). It takes ten seconds to look up the daily verse on YouVersion.
Garbage in, garbage out. Try to filter what you watch, listen to, and who you surround yourself with.
Don’t be afraid to say “I love you” to the people you love. They need to hear it.
Work hard. Study. Even if it comes easy to you. Particularly if you’re lazy. Going to school, especially one like Fresno Christian, is a privilege. Don’t waste it.
Dress up once in a while. Wear a suit. Put on heels. Get dolled up. Try a tie. It can be fun if you make it fun.
Take advantage of all the opportunities FCS offers. Sports, music, drama, The Feather, worship team, Brother-to-Brother/Sister-to-Sister, leadership, NOTS – all of it. Once high school is done, it’s done. Don’t look back and wish you’d done more.

Stop bickering with your siblings. You might have a million friends in your lifetime, and they will come and go. But your siblings are yours for life. If you don’t always get along, find some common ground and try to relate to each other with respect. Encourage each other. Cheer for each other.
Don’t let fears stop you from chasing your purpose and stretching self-imposed limits. We’re not called to live in fear. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7). Trust God’s Word.
Do not insulate yourself. There’s a big world out there. Educate yourself on issues. Travel if you can. Soak in other cultures. Try new foods. Open your eyes to the variety of God’s creation.
Thank your teachers. Thank your administrators. Thank your custodians. Thank your coaches. They care about you. Care about them back.
Try new things. Make new friends. Play new games. Break up your routines. Drive to school a different way. Order something else off the menu. Wear a different sweater with your jeans. Let your hair down.
Never, ever forget that Jesus loves you. You are so so so valuable. You are beautiful to Him. You are important. This world would be empty without you. Live for Him because He died for you.
~ Silva
Silva Emerian is a city girl at heart, growing up in Boston before moving to California in 2001. With a long and varied background in fashion, she is a writer and editor, a self-proclaimed word nerd, and mom to Silas (FCHS grade 9) and James (FCMS grade 6). Shoes and chocolate make her world go ‘round.
If you have questions or topics you’d like to see addressed in this blog, please email me at [email protected]. You can read more from me at
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