Once a year, a campus and countrywide custom defies the traditional form of dating. This April, the guys will catch a break because the girls take the responsibility to ask for Sadie Hawkins.
Student leadership continues to plan the annual Sadie Hawkins event on April 21.
?I was not anticipating asking anyone in particular,? Brittany Schafer, ?09, said. ?It was a very spontaneous decision to ask anyone. I asked my friend, Brad Frasier (?09). I was not nervous because it was so spur-of-the-moment, I was pretty confident that he would say ‘yes’, since we are friends.?
The itinerary begins with photos on campus, followed by charter bus transportation to the Selland Arena, to watch the Fresno Coyotes play an arena football game.
Professional pictures by Milne Photography will be taken of couples in Ground Zero beginning at 4:30 P.M. Forms are available at lunch explaining the picture packages.
All couples traditionally wear matching attire, some following a theme. This year, leadership chose an athletic theme: Suit up for Sadies.
“I prefer Night of the Stars,” Josh Palmer, ’08, said. “If we had more time in student leadership to prepare, we would have been able to do something better. Sadies is not the highlight of my year, but its still fun.”
The post-game activities are still pending, but will include dessert.
?I think Sadie Hawkins is an enjoyable activity where we can gather as a whole school,” Jackie Cowin, ’10, said. “Being in leadership, I think that everyone is getting a really good deal on price, because I get to see how much everything actually costs.”
The event costs $35 per person. If tickets are not bought on March 30, the cost increases to $40 per person.
?I am definitely going to Sadies this year because it seems like a lot of fun,? Paige Jasey, ’10, said. ?The price is reasonable because you get your money’s worth. I am really looking forward to the arena football game, since I have never been to one, and I think my date will also enjoy it.?
Students should arrive at the campus parking lot at 4:30 P.M. and will return at approximately 11:30 P.M.