Students begin to prepare themselves for upcoming finals and graduation, as the school year comes to an end. Below, you can find the schedule for the last two weeks of school.
Final Week Schedule, grades 9-11
Monday, May 23 – Final exams, Even block schedule
Period 2: 8:00-9:30
Break: 9:30-9:40
Period 4: 9:40-11:10
Lunch: 11:15-11:55
Period: 6: 12:00-1:30
Study hall: 1:35-3:00
Tuesday, May 24 – Final Exams, Odd block schedule
Period 1: 8:00-9:30
Period 3: 9:35-11:05
Break: 11:05-11:15
Period 5: 11:15-12:45
Lunch: 12:45-1:25
Period 7: 1:30-3:00
Wednesday, May 25 – Half Day Bell Schedule
Period 1: 8:00-8:30
Period 2: 8:35-9:05
Period 3: 9:10-9:40
Break: 9:40-9:50
Period 4: 9:50-10:20
Period 5: 10:25-10:55
Period 6: 11:00-11:30
Period 7: 11:35-12:00
Thursday, May 26 – Half-day, Special Events
8:00-9:30: HS Yearbook signing, PC gym
9:30-10:45: Awards grade 9-12
10:45-12:00: Grades 9-11 Homeroom
7:00-8:30 pm: HS Graduation
Final Weeks Schedule, Grade 12
Monday, May 16
Final Exams (economics)
book return/checkout
Tuesday, May 17
Final Exams (advanced math, US history, math 3)
book return/checkout
May 18-20
Senior Trip
May 23-25
Senior Days Off, No School
Monday, May 23
7:00-8:15 pm: CSF Senior Recognition Night, PC gym
Thursday, May 26
8:00-9:15: HS Yearbook Signing, PC Gym
9:30-10:40: HS Awards Assembly, PC Auditorium
10:45-12:00: Senior Graduation Practice, PC Auditorium
Senior Graduation, May 26
6:00 pm – Senior Graduation Picture, PC Auditorium
6:30 pm – Graduation Preparation, Room TBD
6:50 pm – Processional Line-up, PC Lobby
7:00 pm – Graduation Ceremony, PC Auditorium
To read more from The Feather, visit Feather staff steps into editor roles or Campus teacher opens up about cancer battle, adoption process.