Makayla Davila and Ainsley Thompson are honored on the softball mound for senior night, May 11. Families accompanied the upcoming graduates, awarding them with a flower necklace and a trophy with a customized softball inside. Ending the night, softball defeats Summit charter, (10-0) on the home field.
Ainsley Thompson played all four years of high school softball. Transitioning into a new season of life, Thompson shares how her year impacted her.
“Senior night was very emotional and was a great end to my last season,” Thompson said. “I loved being around the energy of the younger girls and I couldn’t have had a better year with a better

group of girls.”
Makayla Davila has been surrounded by a family of softball players and coaches her entire life. Her coach and father, David Davila, encouraged her to become the player she is today.
“It was pretty crowded during Senior Night,” Davila said. “There were a lot of students and family members who came to support us.”
The first round of playoffs takes place at Immanuel High School, May 17.
For more FC softball updates visit our Instagram.
For information on boys baseball visit Baseball senior night.