The term ‘Lifer’ affectionately represents those students who have completed all 13 years of education at Fresno Christian Schools. This year’s graduating class will honor 11 students who all began their journey in 2010 as a kindergartener. Learn more about each ‘Lifer’ in this Feather series as we talk to the student and their parents.
Aubrey Graham:
What are some of the biggest changes you have seen at FCS since you’ve been here?
Some of the most significant changes I’ve seen since attending Fresno Christian is the community shift. There have always been cliques and some issues (as there always are in school years) but my class has found similarities these last couple of years and has enjoyed spending time together and bonding as a class.
What teacher/s have made an impact on you?
Some teachers who have impacted me are Mr. [Terry] Richards and Kori James. Thank you Mr. Richards for being one of the first people to help guide me on the right path. Thank you Kori for being a mom figure in my life and caring about more than just school, but a relationship with me.
Which grades have been most memorable and why?
The most memorable years have been my high school years for sure. I broke out of my shell during that time and met some amazing people.
What is a favorite memory at FCS?
One of my favorite memories at FCS was the senior homecoming court and bonding with the people in my class during royal battle rehearsal.
If you could go back, what advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to keep her head up and be unapologetically herself. No one can tell you what to or not to do, so just be kind to everyone no matter the circumstance.
How would you describe the tools that FCS has given you to head into your next chapter?
Some tools FCS has equipped me with for my future are kindness, faith, an example of a good friend and going above and beyond to make sure someone feels loved and welcome.
A note of gratitude.
Thank you mom and dad for putting me in Fresno Christian from the start and encouraging me to stay here even when things got difficult. It truly has shown me what I want to do with my life and I owe it to you guys for setting me on this path. I love you.
The average investment made by most parents who made the commitment to send their child to FCS for over 13 years is more than $104,000. What was the foundation behind this choice? We ask the parents of each ‘Lifer’ to tell us more about their journey and sacrifice for their child’s private education.
Reasons for your investment into FCS for 13 years?
We both attended public school, and Jeremy teaches at a public school. Based on our experience, a Christ-centered education became very important to us and we wanted to provide that for our kids. We have never regretted the decision, or the sacrifices made, to keep them at FCS.
What connections did you have to FCS before enrolling?
We had very little prior connection to FCS before enrolling. We knew a couple of friends who attended FCS many years prior to enrolling, but that was the extent of it.
What are you most grateful for about your child’s education?
We are extremely grateful for the amazing Christ-centered, loving environment that FCS has offered since the very first day of our kindergarten experience at the “little campus” 15 years ago. We tell people that FCS has always had that family feel to us, and we felt involved and included in everything our kids were doing. Both of our kids have truly thrived at FCS over the years, and have been blessed with amazing friends, teachers, administration, coaches, and mentors.
It is such an incredible blessing that our kids got to learn more about God as part of their curriculum, rather than experiencing the public school curriculum in which God is intentionally excluded and even prohibited. What was being taught at church and at home was reinforced at school as well.
Favorite memory of your student’s 13 years at FC?
It is impossible to list a single favorite memory because there really are so many.
A few elementary favorites would include: being involved in the field trips, class parties and activities, working in the classrooms, and the Character Trait awards given to each student at the end of the year.
A few high school favorites: teams winning basketball and soccer Valley Championship games in the same year, homecoming weeks & The Royal Battles. Also, The Feather experience has been such a unique opportunity, and we have enjoyed watching Aubrey learn and develop her love for photography because of this amazing program.
Aubrey serves as photo editor for the Feather team alongside Taylor Beckworth. One of her proudest accomplishment this year has been then launch of her personal Podcast, ‘Moving Forward’ as well as a professional photography business. Graham plans to attend GCU in the fall and study advertising and graphic design. Although Aubrey is ready to move on from Fresno Christian, she takes with her many lessons and memories that will last a lifetime.
More senior lifer series coming soon.
To read the first senior lifer article, visit Senior Lifer – Silas Emerian.
To read more from The Feather visit, Record breaking rain impacts campus sports or The Great Kindness Challenge
Aubrey Graham’s recap at Fresno Christian