Fresno Christian holds online auction for fourth consecutive year
Fresno Christian’s 40th annual auction is just around the corner! This year the auction will be hosted by 32 Auction, March 1-9. Following the online auction, a Spring Benefit dinner will be held at Wolf Lakes Park, March 10 at 6 p.m. Tickets for the auction are available from now to Feb. 24. Tickets range from $150 for a single ticket, to up to $10,000 for a premium table.
Donations for the auction are open, with various prizes being given away to donators Feb. 1-24. Contributors bring their donated items to the Central Office in the elementary building.
Fresno Christian is a private school, meaning it is non-federal and does not receive funding from the state. With the money from the auction, the school is able to upgrade its campus and support students financially with tuition costs.

Superintendent Jeremy Brown shares why the Fresno Christian auction bonds our school community.
“The community aspect is so amazing, to see not only families of our students but also alumni and community supporters of FCS in attendance,” Brown said. “It is just a great time to celebrate what God has done for our community.”
One thing Brown wants to tell the community is how important these events are for Fresno Christian.
“If you have never been to an auction come and experience a great slice of the many aspects of our community. The proceeds go towards further development of our academic and extracurricular programs,” Brown said. “I also want to thank all volunteers who make this happen for Fresno Christian.”
The following list offers incentives for students and families to help support the auction:
February 3: The elementary class with the most points as of the morning of 2/3/2023 gets to silly string Vice Principal Mr. Scott Falk!
February 6: High School Off-Campus lunch pass – (bring in item(s) valued at $50-$100 or more for a pass)
February 7: Middle School Off-Campus lunch pass – (bring in item(s) valued at $50-$100 or more for a pass)
February 8: Dutch Bros Day – (MS/HS students bring in an item or gift card valued at $25 or higher get a voucher for a free Dutch Bros. drink at lunch)
February 24: Last day to turn in donations and purchase tables or tickets for the Spring Benefit at Wolf Lakes
February 24: Elementary contest ends
March 1-9: Auction is LIVE
March 10: Celebrate at the Spring Benefit at Wolf Lakes Park
Dawn Hinton is a Fresno Christian parent and the head of the auction committee. Hinton believes the best way to help the auction be successful is for the community to come out and support.
“We hope our community will come and enjoy a nice yet casual dinner together. We ask that every family find a way to make a donation whether it be something they purchase or they get a company to donate,” Hinton said. “Gift Cards always go well but we need things ranging from small amounts up to vacation homes or event tickets that can raise the school a lot of money.”
In 2022, the auction raised $184,000; according to Christi Rocca, the assistant to FCS’s superintendent, this year the goal is to raise $250,000.
To learn more about previous auctions, go to The 38th Annual FCS Auction is online, March 10-20, and PROMO: 2022 auction and spring benefit.
To read more from The Feather, go to Senior Lifer – Aubrey Graham or Record breaking rain impacts campus sports.