The term ‘Lifer’ affectionately represents those students who have completed all 13 years of education at Fresno Christian Schools. This year’s graduating class will honor 11 students who all began their journey in 2010 as a kindergartener. Learn more about each ‘Lifer’ in this Feather series as we talk to the student and their parents.
Zoe Bull:
What are some of the biggest changes you have seen at FCS since you’ve been here?
Easily some of the biggest changes I’ve seen at FCS were the transfer from K-3 to the “big campus” from the small campus, and switching from junior high to middle school which I think had a large impact on all of us.
What teacher/s have made an impact on you?
Although many of my teachers were impactful, the three in particular that I would love to thank are Mrs. [Martha] Lange (grade 2), Mrs. [Janet] Vanderkooi (grade 5), and Mrs. [Kori] James (grades 9-12). Without their guidance and nurturing of my passions and gifts, I would not be where I am today.
Which grades have been most memorable and why?
Because I had these amazing teachers, many of the years that were most memorable for me corresponded with them. These include second, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and twelfth grades. It’s difficult to categorize these, though, because my overall experience has been extremely memorable.
If you could go back, what advice would you give your younger self?
If I could go back, I would tell myself to build relationships with everyone I can and to worry less about what others think. I’ve never really been one to care overly much about others’ opinions about me but ensuring that my younger self knew would be beneficial. This way, I would be able to grow into new phases in my life without worrying that I was being inconsistent- people change.
How would you describe the tools that FCS has given you to head into your next chapter?
FCS has built me a strong foundation of faith and confidence in myself that would have been difficult to grow in a public school setting. I’ve grown in discernment, diligence, and understanding which I think will benefit me for the rest of my life.
A note of gratitude.
I would especially love to thank my parents for such an incredible opportunity to be raised alongside all the people at Fresno Christian, and for nurturing my faith the way God intended it to be nurtured. Jesus has blessed both me and this family with the gift of community.
The average investment made by most parents who made the commitment to send their child to FCS for over 13 years is more than $104,000. What was the foundation behind this choice? We ask the parents of each ‘Lifer’ to tell us more about their journey and sacrifice for their child’s private education.
Reasons for your investment into FCS for 13 years?
My husband and I chose Fresno Christian for the Christian values in order to offer our daughter a sure foundation in her faith. The Bible says where your heart is, your treasure will be, so we sacrificed financially on our end to uphold this scripture. We are grateful for many things about FCS.
What are you most grateful for about your child’s education?
From Mrs. [Amy] Witters, the ULTIMATE kindergarten teacher in her themed outfits; dresses painted with her student’s handprints, every holiday a new dress, and every day begun with big hugs and huge smiles.
To Mrs. [Martha] Lange, who literally rescued my daughter after a harrowing year and made her feel special in a GOOD way once again.
To Mrs. [Janet] Vanderkooi and her space machine taking her students back in time – completely capturing the attention of the often overlooked creative child…
Then highschool and the investment of teachers and staff like Aubri Foster, Silva Emerian, Kori James. These special individuals took the whole child into consideration. They didn’t just focus on grades, they focused on the student’s whole health… body, mind and spirit. Doors and hearts open to the student at any moment. Unconditional support.
Favorite memory of your student’s 13 years at FC?
My favorite memories are my daughter’s joy-filled face on the first day of school every year greeting her friends. Also watching her ride onto the field at homecoming as a Queen candidate humbled at the support from her classmates and unable to comprehend that she had been chosen. Friends texting and calling her with love and support during difficult times and happy times alike. Breaking track and field records and winning medals. Times of fellowship she has had with her “family” outside of the classroom. But my favorite is that her friends have become my “daughters,” I love them so dearly and so, in a way, my family has grown – and that’s the best of all.
After High school, Zoe plans to go to Grand Canyon University and study graphic design and advertising.
More senior lifer series coming soon.
To read the most recent senior lifer article, visit Senior Lifer – Dylan Tozlian.
To read from The Feather, visit Susan Lynch lectures at San Joaquin Valley Town Hall or Trade Schools as a valuable alternative.
Zoe Bull’s recap at Fresno Christian