Madeleine Durham
Countdown to the Advanced Placement (AP) test include many sleepless nights, cram sessions, high anxiety, fear of the unknown and a self dobt that challenges even the most dedicated students. The world of high school AP classes is geared towards students who excel under these conditions and strive to earn college credit as a high schooler. As test day approaches classes go into review mode.
There are five different AP classes being offered this year at Fresno Christian. There’s statistics, literature, US history, calculus, and biology. Each exam is on a different day and time period.
AP Stats – May 7 – Afternoon
AP Literature – May 8 – Morning
AP US History – May 10 – Morning
AP Calc AB – May 13 – Morning
AP Bio – May 16 – Afternoon
Accelling student, Tryphena Gunawan, ’24, has taken every AP class offered and leaves us wondering, why does she do it?
“An easier answer would be why not.” Gunawan said. “I just feel like they’re a great opportunity to learn more.”
Each class has continued to review as they start to end their lessons. All except literature, literature continues to do their poetry madness throughout march. For review they continue dissecting different writings.
One of the challenges AP teachers have is a balance between test training and teaching subject matter beyond the test. Stephanie Hoffman is in her second year as an AP teacher and teaches AP literature.
“What I really want for them is to be able to take their skills that they’ve learnt throughout the year, and then use it in their life after,” Hoffman said.
Another AP class known for it’s complicated curriculum, statistics, is taught by Scott Bucher. As one of the harder AP exams to pass developing confidence in students test-taking ability is something Bucher consistently practices.
“I try to get it to the point where they can pass the test with just what I do in class,” Bucher said. He continued to describe the resources he shares along with the practice questions he does with the class that were given to him by College Board.
Taking an AP Exam always has benefits, no matter what your score is. Learn all the reasons why you should finish the year strong and complete your AP Exam(s). https://t.co/sIgMsWn8Jm pic.twitter.com/eOZA8sB8Zi
— AP for Students (@APforStudents) April 5, 2024
College Board is the organization that gives our AP classes the curriculum, resources, and the test. Evangelina Escovedo plays a huge part in the final exams and works hand in hand with College Board.
“I make sure students are registered online for their AP class through College Board, I make sure they have the right code for their AP class, and then I proctor their exams.” Escovedo said. “One thing I would give to students is to take advantage of the free resources.”
Escovedo explained how College Board offers free practice tests, review, and other notes. There are also prep books online or available to purchase.
In the end, all of the work will be worth it. If you are interested in partaking in an AP class next year there is an interest meeting April 25 in room 602.
Remember to study and get lots of rest before your exams.
To read more from The Feather visit College Corner: Upcoming college fairs 2023 or [Video] AP Biology experiments with enzymes.