While most seek refuge in their heated homes during the chilly winter months, the homeless struggle to find a dry place to sleep each night. Since 1949, the Fresno Rescue Mission continues to grant wishes for warm beds and a roof over their heads.
The Fresno Rescue Mission is a non-profit, faith-based, evangelical Christian charity shelter that spreads Christian beliefs and provides for those in need.
The idea for the shelter was first thought of by the Reverend Clifford Phillips during a prayer meeting, called the “Fisherman’s Club.” Similar to Phillips’ beliefs, Alexandrah Aleman, ?10, started to donate through various shelters including the Fresno Rescue Mission.
?It is such a rewarding feeling to donate and it feels even better to work and feed the less fortunate,? Aleman said. ?I absolutely feel sympathy for them, because they are still God?s people, just like us, but they are going through hardships.?
The Mission is always open to volunteers and 60-minute tours are available with Donna Scully, volunteer coordinator.
?When people volunteer, it does not only make a difference to the homeless they are helping,? Scully said, ?but it also helps the volunteer, because they are building relationships with these people.?
According to their mission statement, ?The Fresno Rescue Mission endeavors to glorify God by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the least, the last and the lost in our community.?
As well as two meals and a bed for the night, the Mission provides a thrift store and along with a car sale for unfortunate people who are unable to pay the car price at a dealership.
?I helped out at the Rescue Mission in eighth grade with my church,? Scott Orcutt, ?09, said. ?We went and unpacked clothes and sorted them in different sections.?
Some homeless are reluctant to go to the Mission, because of the mandatory church service.
?In the Fresno Rescue Mission, we give the homeless the choice that God is providing for them,? Scully said.
The homeless wishing to stay for the night must come in completely sober and not under the influence of any drugs to register. Those who are under the influence are not permitted in the mission, or until they become sober.
?I would definitely go again,? Orcutt said. ?It was really fun to be apart of helping and seeing other people get involved and help others. I feel bad for the homeless, because they don?t take advantage of the opportunities that they have.?
After a being woken up at 5:30 A.M. and eating a warm breakfast, the homeless must leave and are encouraged to hunt for a job. The registry is reopened at 6:30 P.M.
The Fresno Rescue Mission collects food and money donations from local businesses and individuals looking to help those in need. To volunteer, people can serve food, help in storage or even put on their own church service.
Due to the donations of the community the mission is able to share the food with over 50 other rescue shelters and missions, including the Evangel Home and the Poverello House.