To ensure proper placement for those interested in attending a city college, prospective students must complete a placement test prior to enrollment. Seniors planning to register at Fresno City College (FCC) tested their knowledge in the Jackie Johnson Hospitality room, Feb. 6.
Twenty-five students took the test, which covered English and mathematics. Sarah Jimenez, ’08, participated in effort to determine the courses required of her as a nursing major.
“When I first took the test, it didn’t seem like a big deal,” Jimenez said. “I knew the test would let me know what classes I would be taking in college. I found it helpful.”
Many believe faculty standards contribute to the students’ scores. Some requested teachers’ help for test preparation.
“Our students generally pass because we have a great educational program here,” Jon Endicott, associate principal, said. “If students pass our English and math courses, they have a good chance at passing the placement tests with high scores. To do well on the test, the best thing to do is complete your homework assignments.”
The test consists of reading comprehension for the English course and the choice of Algebra I, Geometry or Algebra II. Josh Palmer, ?08, decided to take the test in case he chooses to attend a city college before a university.
“It wasn’t that difficult,” Palmer said. “It was just like taking the SAT all over again. The reason I took the test was to keep my options open. I don’t plan on going to a city college, but in case I decide to I will have that option.”
Whether attending FCC, Willow International Center, Madera Center, or any other city college, the test determines the math and English units required.
“If you pass the test, you will be placed in English A1 and Math 4,” Endicott said. “However, if you don’t pass you will be placed in lower classes such as English 126R and other pre-course classes.”
While students wait for results, many express relief that the test is over.
?I felt I knew the material well, and I know that FC has really prepared me for it,” Jimenez said. “I?m not too worried, I?m just anxious to find out how I did.?
For those expecting to attend one of these community colleges who have not taken the placement test, visit the North Centers website to view the scheduled test dates.