During Grandparents’ Day, the administration invites grandparents of students to visit the campus and attend classes with their grandchild before eating a free lunch provided by the school, Sept. 26.
“It’s like going to a cafeteria to eat lunch with your grandchild,” Mitzie Scelzi, caretaker and grandmother of Raine Hayes, ’12, said. “I wish that they would make a speech during lunch so that the grandparents would know what the school’s mission statement and goal for the year are.”
Last year over 500 grandparents attended the event giving them the opportunity to check out the school, classes and the hangouts spots that take up so much of their grandkids’ time.
“It would also be fun if the clubs and organizations were to dress up in their uniforms for the day so that we can see all that the school represents,” Hayes said. “That would make it much more exciting for grandparents like me who can only come to the lunches.”
This year the peer counseling class along with advisor Molly Sargent and David Martens, tech director, will be serving lasagna along with bread.
Many grandparents attend the annual event, although some with multiple grandchildren on campus are unable to visit every class.
“We have several kids on campus, but we usually go to the younger children’s classes,” Norma-Lee Whitehead, grandmother of Jackie Cowin, ’10, said. “I have always enjoyed Grandparents’ Day, especially in the elementary because they always give us a project to work on with our grandchild. But we do wish that we could see all of our grandchildren on this day.”
Senior Hayley Volpa-Olsen relishes the day with her grandparents as an opportunity to learn about their high school experience.
“I love having my grandparents come and spend the day walking around with me to see what my everyday life is like,” Volpa-Olsen said. “This is an amazing time because it brings back memories of when they were in high school.”