The Youth Chorale of the Bach Children’s Choir will put on a Christmas concert at Clovis North Educational Center at 7 p.m., Dec. 20.
This community choral group, composed of many campus students, will perform music from Sweden, Italy and France to introduce Christmas customs around the world.
Artistic director Valerie Quiring began the choir almost six years ago as a boys’ choir and also formed a girls’ choir in the following year. Each year, Quiring selects the music pieces for her students to sing at concerts throughout their performance schedule.
“I always enjoyed doing a community-based choir because it gives us the chance to collaborate with big groups like the Philharmonic, Fresno Grand Opera and university choirs,” Quiring said. “I love the music of Western Europe ? such as France and England ? and I believe that singing Christmas music from that region gives us a feeling for our roots and the origin of favorite Christmas songs.”
The accompanying pianist for the Youth Chorale and associate director, Nicole Simes, returned to the choir after completing college. She believes students involved in the Christmas concert get acquainted with unfamiliar genres.
“I love telling stories of Christmas through song,” Simes said. “We began with a ‘Santa Lucia’ theme and let it grow to ‘A European Christmas.’ Through this kids learn to love many different types of music, and I hope they are proud of what they have accomplished together.”
Campus senior Kristina Palmer sings in the Youth Chorale and enjoys showcasing its higher-level music in concerts, she said.
“I like the music because it is challenging, college-level music,” Palmer said. “Our music this year, though being classic, is all so different in so many ways. I also think that Mrs. Quiring is like a second mother who treats us like peers even with all our high school ways.”
A member since its inception, campus sophomore Tim DeGroot attributes his experiences in the Youth Chorale to his vocal growth.
“This choir brought me through my voice change, making me a better singer altogether,” DeGroot said. “I love being one of the older choir members and having the younger kids look up to us. Mrs. Quiring has been an awesome and often patient teacher.”
The “European Christmas” concert will be in the Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall at the Performing Arts Center of Clovis North Educational Center near Chestnut and International Avenues.
For more information on Youth Chorale and other Bach Children’s Choir concerts, call (559) 226-6500. A $5 donation is recommended for admission to the concert.