Embarrassing moments occur on a regular basis for the majority of students. However, none are quite as mortifying as the recent humiliation experienced by seniors Melissa Lichti, Lindsay Bolduc and I.
On an early January morning, the peer counseling class decided a hot cup of coffee was just the thing to brighten our day.
The seniors in the class decided to volunteer their time to go fetch the Starbucks drinks for the class. With the orders written down, we started our journey to the Cedar and Shepherd location.
After ordering seven drinks, we patiently waited by the pickup station for our orders. While we gathered the drinks, Lindsay accidentally grabbed the wrong cups; a woman rudely insisted that we move over so she could collect her drinks.
Melissa thought it best to move over and give the woman space. However, during this movement, she accidentally knocked over a glass coffee maker. With a crash, glass shattered and spread across the floor of the local coffee hub. Everyone in the shop stared in shock.
In embarrassment, Melissa and I started to clean up the mess, but this action, meant in kindness, angered the employees.
After mending our bruised egos, I checked the price of the machine identical to the damaged merchandise. My eyes bulged when I saw that the cost of the machine was $22. In my attempt to place it back on the table, it wobbled for a minute or two before tumbling onto the floor, creating what seemed to be a beach of glass sand.
On top of the embarrassing experience, they would not even let me pay for the damage I cost them. In minutes, Melissa and I managed to destroy about $50 of merchandise (about the cost of 16 drinks). After this tragedy, our egos were not bruised, but completely decimated. We fled Starbucks like the Israelites fleeing from Egypt, hoping to return in safety to the promised land of Room 621.
For more stories of embarrassment, read the Oct. 3 article, Laughter: A remedy for humiliation.