While Sharon Scharf’s home economics class consists of instructions on how to cook, sew and create crafts, she also aspires to educate students about nutrition.
Scharf takes her class to the Save Mart supermarket on Cedar and Herndon each year. The group will leave during first period and return to the campus near the end of third period, Sept. 23.
The trip is designed to provide information on the food products students eat and buy, Scharf said.
“The dietician at Save Mart gives so much information that it’s practically a course itself,” Scharf said. “They talk about the food industry, the careers, nutrition, purchasing, storage, recycling, smart shopping and how to read labels. Students don’t realize all the information they get out of it.”
Holly Savage, ’10, said she enjoyed the trip to Save Mart last year and looks forward to a return visit.
“It’s a fun field trip for home ec.,” Savage said. “It’s also educational, and the trip had lots of things I didn’t know.”
For her first year in the class, Ashlyn Key, ’13, said she hopes the trip will contribute to her love of cooking.
“I joined the home ec. class because I love to cook and thought it would be fun,” Key said. “I like Save Mart as a grocery store. I think the trip will be fun and I want to learn how to choose the correct fruits and vegetables from it.”
For more information, e-mail Scharf and visit Sept. 26, 2008, article, Savemart trip educates home ec.