In order to benefit Children’s Hospital Central California, volunteers across Fresno County sold a special edition of The Fresno Bee on Kids Day, March 9.
Everyone from FC students to The Fresno Bee’s editors to Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin attended the event, which began early in the morning on city streets.
The event, which began in 1988, has raised more than $3.68 million over the years. It is sponsored annually by both The Bee and KFSN (Channel 30.1). Funds go to hospital programs like the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Many volunteers, including FC leadership members, started as early as 5:30 a.m. to sell Kids Day papers to commuters. FC students raised $668 overall, selling 300 papers.
“I’m here so early because there are kids that are worth it, and then there is a lot of people impacted by the hospital,” senior Nacoya Villegas said. “We never know when we will need Children’s Hospital to be there for us. It is a good cause. I think they are all pretty good-hearted other than a couple people who just drive by; they usually wave at us, even if they already have a paper.”
Principal Todd Bennett, along with Eagle mascot Fierce, portrayed by sophomore Dana King, joined students at Maple and Alluvial Avenues to sell the $1 papers.
“I want to support Children’s Hospital and I also want to support my students who are out here doing this,” Bennett said. “I think it is great that they’re here; it is part of our whole philosophy here at FCS to serve the community and serve each other.”
Senior Kayla Haydock says high school students have a unique opportunity to contribute to the cause, which last year raised $425,000 and hopes to match that this year.
“I think people want to buy papers from high school students: I think that we have a bigger impact on the people that want to buy them,” Haydock said. “So we have to be out here.
“I think it is a really good cause because I know there is a lot of different departments that really struggle for money and so just giving one day, one morning, to wake up early and come out here is really valuable.”
On the corner of Shaw and Blackstone, The Fresno Bee set up a festive headquarters, including editors Jim Boren and Bill McEwen, the mascots of Children’s Hospital, the Monsters hockey team and The Bee. Also on hand were musicians Steve Ono and Patrick Contreras.
According to Boren, both are “local treasures.” Contreras, for instance, opened for BB King during a 2008 Fresno concert at Warnor’s Theatre. The corner was also visited by Mayor Ashley Swearengin.
“Children’s Hospital [Central California] is a very good thing to have,” Ono said. “And we’re out here having fun. There’s lots of ways to help, but this is the most fun way; we get to jam out here to music. We’re just jamming out, meeting kids, selling papers for a good cause.”
According to Swearengin, her visit – and standing in the street herself, waving a paper – came from a personal experience of gratitude.
“We had a great time last year and we are back again this year,” Swearengin said. “We just love Children’s Hospital; my daughter has been a patient at the hospital and I know firsthand the care and the quality that they provide to their patients. It really means a lot to our region and I am happy to support them.”
For more information, check out The Fresno Bee or read the March 8 article, Kids Day papers support Children’s Hospital and watch the video of the morning’s activities.
To contact the leadership team, e-mail Robert Foshee. For more anecdotes and student silliness, check out The Feather’s photo page.
Kids Day 2010 from Paige Powell on Vimeo.