As the school year winds down and students hurriedly prepare for finals, senior projects and the AP tests, those in choir and band will set aside time for one more concert to wrap up the year.
The high school choir is scheduled to perform on May 10 at 7 p.m. in Ground Zero. The last band performance will be held May 16 at First Baptist Church of Clovis.
For Trevor York, ’12, the choir performance not only signifies a last hurrah but allows for some reminiscing on a year’s worth of events.
“It was a good year with a new director,” York said. “We went to a lot of new concerts and I liked our song choices for the most part. Our final concert will be an accumulation of all of our songs and it will be awesome to sing so many of them as well as ones we did earlier in the year.”
For others, like Kayla Haydock, ’10, the show marks the last musical performance of their high school careers.
“I can’t believe this is my final concert,” Haydock said. “I feel like we all have grown so much musically, both individually and as a group. It will be great to get up there and perform one last time with the people who have helped shape and better my choir experience.”
The choir will be performing some of the material learned for festivals in addition to several new songs and some old favorites.
While the choir members look forward to the concert, band musicians anticipate the performance.
“I’m really looking forward to the band concert,” Zed Fries, ’12, said. “We’re playing some old favorites, which should be fun; plus we’re playing with the junior high band to give them a feeling of what next year will be like.”
Like the choir, the band will be performing festival material, some concert staples and several new pieces.
According to band and choir director Michael Ogdon, these performances serve to conclude “a great season.”
“This performance will be a culmination of our concert experiences,” Ogdon said. “We’re not only sharing good music but the experience of the school year with our attendees. We are going to end by both revisiting festival material that we have done so well as well as some songs that we have never sung before.”
For more information, e-mail Ogdon or read the April 29 article, Heritage Festival to wrap up choral, band year.