Dear editor:
As most people know, Night of the Stars just ended, Feb. 19. It turned out wonderful and almost all the feedback I got was nothing but positive remarks.
Thanks to the help of the student leadership class and all the parents who were involved, it was one of the most successful we have had in past years. Now that leadership is taking a breath and having some time to reflect, we are very close to some big upcoming events.
In April we not only have Sadie Hawkins, but we also look forward to our Spring Night Rally. Sadie’s was such a great time last year that we are looking to top that this year. We are still in the planning process of where we will go, but everyone has very high hopes for this year and girls should start asking those guys!
The last time we had the Spring Night Rally was two years ago and it was a success, so we are bringing it back this year. With our Rally Commissioner Bridget [Teixeira, ’11] working hard on the setup of the night, there is no doubt in my mind we will have a great turn out and it will be a great way for the high school to come together and fellowship. When the dates for these events are established, we will be posting them on The Feather Online and the high school announcements.
Other smaller events to look forward to are the Powder puff game on March 23 and badminton and basketball intramurals will be scheduled. Check the announcements or posters on the walls for these dates as well.
Last but not least, we have the senior trip in May. This is going to be great this year; the whole senior class is heading down to Los Angeles for a variety of events such as a murder mystery, boat ride, beach day, shopping, etc. This is going to be a great time for the whole class to look back on all of our great memories together.
I am so thankful for the leadership class I am involved in this year. They work so hard to make sure everyone is happy and leaves this school with great memories and no regrets. We have been working very hard these last couple of months to make sure this school year goes out with a bang!
I would also like to recognize the publications class headed by Mr. [Greg] Stobbe. They have been doing great covering all of these events and taking fantastic pictures. I want to encourage students to leave comments on articles covering these events and spend a little time on The Feather recognizing what a great newspaper we have at Fresno Christian.
Anybody who would like any more information on upcoming events, please don’t hesitate to contact me or one of the many students in leadership to answer any questions for you.
For more letters to the editor, read the Jan. 27 submission, LETTER: Celebrate life despite tragedy.