This installment is the seventh in the “Get to Know” series, a feature which aims to help students learn more about their classmates and teachers. A new installment will be posted every other Thursday.
In this edition of “Get to Know,” staff writer Annalise Rosik, ’14, interviews freshman Roy Wolley.
Rosik: In what grade did you come to FC, and why?
Wolley: I came to FC this year as a freshman looking for a Christian education.
Rosik: Do you have any obsessions?
Wolley: I’m really obsessed with vitamin C drops since I got really sick last year. I never stop eating them.
Rosik: What do you enjoy most about life?
Wolley: I enjoy the love in life and when people don’t care about cliques or how expensive their clothes are, and just love one another.
Rosik: What is your favorite TV show and why?
Wolley: I love “Rob Dyrdek’s Fantasy Factory” [on MTV] because it’s funny, and Rob Dyrdek is a big inspiration in skating and living life to the fullest.
Rosik: What makes you irritated?
Wolley: It makes me irritated when people think they are way more important than everyone else and make fun of others.
Rosik: How do you feel about gray hair?
Wolley: It happens. I already have some gray hairs.
Rosik: If you were an animal, which would you be?
Wolley: I’d be an eagle because it would be really cool to fly.
Rosik: Would you rather rub someone’s smelly feet once or wash that person’s dirty laundry for a month? Why?
Wolley: I guess I’d rub someone’s feet because I hate doing laundry and feet don’t bother me like most people.
Rosik: Why did you join video productions?
Wolley: I joined because I am really into making movies and editing them. I like the kids in my class because they are really accepting even though I’m kind of a weird kid. We all get along really well.
Check back on May 5 to learn more about senior Nigel Alcorn. For the previous installment, read the March 31 article, Get to Know: Sharon Scharf.