This is a bi-monthy feature that will cover the varying high school youth groups of the students within FC. Contributing to this year’s theme, “We Are One,” this series will attempt to inform, highlight and encourage each group’s diverse system of ministry as well as provide information for those seeking ties to a congregation.
Campus Bible Church
-Youth group name: The Refuge
-Address: 4710 N. Maple Fresno, 93726
-Meets: Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Sunday morning, 9-10:30 a.m. in Room A203
-Number of students registered: 60
-Regular attendants from FC: Brady Lee, ’12, Daniel Moore, ’14
-Youth Director: Sam Musgrave
-Annual Events: Summer camp at Hume Lake Christian Camps, overseas mission trips, a special event every month
-Mission statement: “Linking together to make a difference for Christ and his world.”
Background and itinerary
Campus Bible Church began on May 25, 1970, with a fellowship of a dozen families eager to “know the relevance of the gospel and experience the positive aspects of abundant life,” according to the church website.
Senior Pastor Dr. Jim Cecy has led the congregation since 1995. The church models a conservative yet contemporary Christian body which is reflected in their services and teaching.
In The Refuge, Musgrave keeps the students active in Scripture through Christ-exalting and God-centered preaching and inductive Bible studies. Musgrave holds fast to his ultimate hope for this group, which is to develop primed followers of Christ who are also willing to act.
“I want to produce disciples of Christ who posses a large view of — and great affections for — God and his glory while striving towards maturity together with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,” Musgrave said.
Not only does this youth group hold a high view of Scripture, the leadership of the entire church values the importance of teens.
“We are serious about our pursuit of Christ,” Musgrave said. “We don’t reach high schoolers as ‘kids,’ because we value growing into Christ-likeness, which means biblical manhood and womanhood. However, we have so much fun, as is evidenced by our frequent recreational events.”
A word from the students
As a long time participant in the Campus Bible youth group, Lee has found direction from Musgrave and newfound desire to pursue a career in evangelism.
“My youth pastor is very Christ-centered in his preaching,” Lee said. “It really influences me because I want to go into ministry and he has really helped encouraged me.”
For Lee, a large portion of his high school memories were a result of activities with the group. Now a senior, he feels prepared for an effective walk with Christ after he graduates.
“As I’ve grown up with them throughout the years it has been cool especially in services projects and missions trips,” Lee said. “It’s been fun getting to know them on those different endeavors. I’ve learned to go through life with a view of God and his glory and everything points to him and focus less on me and more on him.”
For the previous installment, read the Sept. 28 article, Fire By Night prioritizes spiritual maturity, cohesion.