Instead of going to school like any other day, on Sept. 14, the student leadership class, led by advisers Robert Foshee and Jane Gillespie, will travel around Fresno to participate in a service project.
The class will be meeting at 6;30 a.m. and will carpool to their first service location, the Fresno Community Food Bank, where the students will help pack food so that the food bank can continue to serve food to over 90,000 people.
After they finish their work at the food bank, the class will travel to a local park where they will help to pour cement for a new walkway. Although the students will be missing school to participate in this project, Foshee considers the projects to be important aspects of leadership.
“We are doing these service projects to not only help the community, but to help unify our students,” Foshee said. “God calls us to serve others, so that is what we intend to do on this trip. Also, this will be a good opportunity to help the class grow and bond as a team, so they can better lead the rest of the student body in more service days.”
The leadership class is expected to return to campus around 2 p.m., nearly making this project a full school day affair. Despite the students’ absence from their daily routines, Kristen Rosenthal, ’13, thinks it is a good idea for the class to go.
“During this service project I am looking forward to our leadership class bonding while helping fresno’s community in unison,” Rosenthal said. “I think this will be a great opportunity to represent Fresno Christian’s student body, and to shine God’s light in places that need it. It is a great idea to do service projects, as they improve countless people’s lives. It is what God calls us to do as believers.”
For more information on service projects, read the Dec. 16 article, Holiday season offers service opportunities.