Next week marks the beginning of homecoming, and, as your ASB President, I am extremely eager to get the ball rolling. I feel as though it is a great way to allow students to unify as a team in order to build their class floats. Among other things, this event also enables students to display their creative skills and represent their grade.
Homecoming is a major way to advertise Fresno Christian Schools within our community and demonstrate what Christ-centered education looks like.
This year’s school-wide theme, “We Are One,” is positively acted out through this annual tradition. On game night, school spirit becomes united, as numerous fans, parents and alumni come to recognize all of the students’ hard work.
My hope is that the evening helps our school live out what David wrote in Psalm 133:1: “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”
I am very excited to present this year’s homecoming on our home field for what will be only the second time in the school’s 34 years of existence! Last year’s turnout was spectacular with nearly 1,200 people in attendance, and this year is projected to gather even more.
I have a great appreciation for homecoming because I’ve experienced various vantage points of this event. This will be my first time actually participating on the float because in years prior, I have represented FC on the football field. Im looking forward to being on the float with a new group of friends, and eagerly anticipate the exhibition of the float.
As president, I have observed the diligence and extreme effort of student leadership to put on the 2011 homecoming. We have been hard at work planning to draw a large crowd and display each class’ float with enthusiasm.
I hope that homecoming allows people to enjoy an evening of fun and tradition, while supporting our Eagle football squad. It’s my goal to prove that FC is, in fact, red hot.
For more letters, read the Sept. 26 submission, LETTER: Courage article deeply moved me.