The Jazz Composers Orchestra(JCO) comes again to Fresno in the CSUF Concert Hall, Oct. 10. Along with the Jazz Composers, the Fresno State Jazz Orchestra performs in the same concert. They are billing this as similar to their 2010 concert.
The directors at the concert not only direct their own bands, but also are involved with other activities within the music community in Fresno.
Alan Durstis the director of the Fresno State Jazz Orchestra and is directing this event. Durst is an educator at Fresno State and Fresno Pacific University. He directs the Jazz Ensemble at Fresno State.
The Jazz Composers Orchestra is currently directed by Mike Dana. Dana is not just the director in the orchestra, but also the guitarist in the group. Dana started this orchestra in ’04, and says that this group only “consists only of the best musicians.” Fresno City College houses he Jazz Composers Orchestra.
“It’s a really cheap concert,” senior Jonathan Passmore,” said. “There are a lot of different performers who have had some great success over the years will perform in the concert.” Passmore is currently plays saxophone in the Eagle Jazz Band.
Passmore says he heard that one of the saxophonist is Paul Lucckesi, the director of the Buchanan High School Jazz Band. Lucckesi currently is a board member of the California Band Director’s Association. “I am looking forward to listening to him play.”
“They are like the top jazz band in the Valley,” Passmore said. “Most of them have had a lot experience in jazz.”
This concert starts at 8 p.m in the CSUF Concert Hall. General admission is $7, $6 for staff and $5 for students and seniors. Tickets are available at the door or on the CSUF Music Department website.
Parking will be available for free with a parking code on event tickets sold at the Department of Music Office. If you buy E-Tickets the parking codes are available where you buy the tickets for Music Department Concerts and Events.
For more information call theFresno City College office at 559-442-4600.