During art class, senior GeeHyun Park (Gee) completed an abstract pen drawing of flowers. Although this piece was completed at the end of last school year, Park entered her piece into The Big Fresno Fair to be judged by a committee of judges. At the opening day of the fair, Park was announced as the winner of Best in Show, Oct. 5.
The Big Fresno Fair was founded in 1884 and is celebrating its 127th year of operation. The fair includes various attractions for Valley residents to partake in and submit fair entries such as livestock, jams, art, photography, quilts and mach more.
The art piece is titled “Abstract Flowers” and won Best in Show at the Fresno Fair. According to Park, she began to draw random lines which then transpired into what now appear to be flowers.
According art teacher Sharon Scharf, Park is a talented artist that requires little guidance artistically.
“When it comes to Gee I don’t feel like I’m her teacher, but that I’m her facilitator,” Scharf said. “You just let Gee go because she has so much talent and you just critique her as she goes along.”
Park is the first student at FC to win Best in Show for high school art. Two years ago, alumnus Eric Johnson, ’09, won Best in Show for FC, but in Home Economics for his Hawaiian shirt.
For more information about art read the May 5 article, Scharf includes students in national, local art shows.