The West Sequoia League (WSL) will convene a second time this school year, Nov. 7. WSL consists of five schools who’s leadership officers or appointed members gather to discuss events at their schools like Sadies and the Talent Show.
The WSL meeting will take place at Caruthers High School with FC representatives Stephen Melendez, ’13, Austin Rurik, ’12, Chandler Vargas, ’12 and Tynin Fries, ’14.
Student leadership’s Vice President, Melendez, looks forward to gathering and providing inspiration and ideas at the November meeting.
“I get to mingle with different people from different schools so that I can obtain ideas to bring back to our school and make our school better,” Melendez said. “Also to bring ideas to their school to make their school better.”
According to leadership adviser Robert Foshee, the students make an effort to acquaint their guests with the school.”
“Usually they [FC students] tour the school where the meeting is held,” Foshee said. “Then they go back to a meeting room and discuss with other schools what ideas they have made happen so other schools can learn from this information.”
The students will break into groups to discuss events such as homecoming, formals, food drives and the Talent Show. They also join in ice-breaker activities in order to get to know members of other schools.
Next meeting will take place at Fowler High School, Jan. 23.
For more information on the last WSL meeting, read the Sept. 15 article, Brief: WSL meeting convenes in Tranquillity. For more information on WSL events check back for news articles by The Feather staff.
The last time the WSL met on campus, The Feather Online covered the event with the May 18 article, West Sequoia League schools gather at FC.