Before the school year comes to a close, students and parents will gather for the first year-end convocation. Students must report to the Peoples Church sanctuary by 7:50 a.m. and the convocation will begin at 8 a.m., May 3.
According to Worship Team teacher David Martens, who is leading the convocation, the idea was originally suggested by two other teachers who hoped it would become a school tradition.
“I think [Robert] Foshee and [Matthew] Weimer, who is a fourth grade teacher here, had the idea to end the year the same way that we began the year,” Martens said. “Worshiping and praying is a great idea to end the year [with] and something to look forward to doing in the future.”
The high school Choral department and the Worship Team will both be performing several worship songs. Along with a time of prayer and worship, Superintendent Debbie Siebert will be addressing the student body.
For Elizabeth Williams, ’12, this will be her last convocation. Williams is also a part of the Worship Team, so she regrets having to come to school even earlier than the appointed time.
“It’s unfortunate that Worship Team has to be there {school} so early,” Williams said. “But I’m glad to have the opportunity to lead worship and so that the choir is involved too.”
The convocation schedule will be as follows:
Period 0 7-7:50 a.m. (50 min.)
Convocation 8-8:40 a.m. (40 min.)
Period 1 8:45-9:25 a.m. (40 min.)
Period 2 9:30-10:10 a.m. (40 min.)
Break 10:15-10:25 a.m. (10 min.)
Period 3 10:25-11:10 a.m. (45 min.)
Period 4 11:15-noon (45 min.)
Period 5 12:05-12:45 p.m. (40 min.)
Lunch 12:45-1:20 p.m. (35 min.)
Period 7 1:25-2:10 p.m. (45 min.)
Period 8 2:15-3:00 p.m. (45 min.)
For more information about convocations, read the Aug. 16 article, Convocation unites school with ‘We Are One’ theme.
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Gigi Thao also contributed to this article.