Let’s face it: change is inevitable. Wherever you go or in whatever circumstance you might live in, change is bound to happen. You might be one to favor new adjustments, while others may find every reason to resist something that seems impossible to cope with.
As a new school year kicks off, The Feather staff recognizes several modifications that have taken place throughout the FC campus. From new sports coaches and an Athletic Director, to the remodeling of the computer and science labs and even to the lunch menu change has struck the campus. While some of these things are supported, others have brought up some underlying issues.
Within the past three years, the varsity cheer program has gone through three different coaches. Each year, the squad is introduced to a new coach and then undergoes another season of getting to know them and their coaching style. The cheerleaders are not able to fully rely on whether or not each coach will stay long enough to advance the program.
Along with cheer, both the girls and boys basketball teams have lost their coaches and some students are faced with the decision to continue with the sport or stop all together. For some of the upperclassmen, this may present a sense of discouragement in that they will have to adjust to a new coach in their final year of high school.
In whatever case, a sense of inconsistency begins to set in. Students and athletes often struggle with why the school is not able to retain coaches and teachers for a longer period, and many times question the authority of the administration.
Although The Feather staff realizes that these inconsistencies can create a feeling of doubt and discouragement in the school, we also believe that within each circumstance we must embrace the change and only look forward.
Our school theme, “We Are One: Standing Firm,” along with our theme Bible verse, Philippians 1:27, highlights the challenge of standing side by side for the faith of the Gospel. The hope is that the FC community is unified in one purpose and with one mind. Through this mindset, we should return to who we are as a school and to what we stand for rather than the changing circumstances.
According to the FC mission statement, “The mission of Fresno Christian Schools is to equip young people for the life and service for Jesus Christ through biblical foundations, Christ-like character development, and academic preparation in partnership with the home and local church.”
PODCAST: Changes and challenges: Aug. 29 , 2012–
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By looking back on who we are as a school, we are able to remember our purpose and then strive for that in everything we do. Though we may face various changes with teachers, coaches and classes, we can always remain true to what we stand for as a school.
Instead of complaining about all the things you want to change about the school, or about how you disagree with what has been done, choose to embrace the present circumstances and strive to only contribute yourself to the school, asking how you can make a difference.
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you,” Brian Tracy, self-help author and motivational speaker, said.
For more editorials, read the April 19 article, EDITORIAL: Finals require perseverance.