College Corner is a column about all things college, covering everything from college preparation to tips on application. A new column will be posted on the first Wednesday of the month.
The late bell for first period is just seconds from sounding and still students linger in the hallways. It is the first day of school and the excitement of summer vacation can be overheard in every conversation. Along with these recollections comes the joy of reuniting with old friends and anticipation of what the new school year will bring.
While the freshmen bask in the glory of the newness of high school, this year’s upperclassmen are already looking ahead to graduation. For some students, this event cannot come fast enough but others prolong post-graduation decisions as long as possible.
As the new academic advisor, my goal is to put students at ease about college planning and offer support throughout the process. Being proactive in this journey and setting realistic expectations for oneself is the first step to success. It is much more enjoyable, and in some cases more beneficial, to complete college applications, FAFSA forms and scholarship applications well before the deadline.
Seniors, you are well on your way to college! Some excellent advice can be found in the Nov. 1 article, College Corner: An overview of applications, written by former Academic Advisor, Molly Sargent.
The College Board website is also a great resource for students looking to get started on the college selection process. This can be a daunting task, but by using the college search tool, the process can become much more manageable. With this tool, students can fine tune their college search by using several categories such as location, housing, majors, financial aid to find a college that suits their needs.
Once top colleges are identified it is important to check these individual college websites. Although there are some general specifications colleges are looking for, they may have specific qualifications and deadlines unique to their institution. Nothing could be worse than missing the application deadline for the college of your dreams!
There are several exciting college events coming up this Fall that students and parents will not want to miss:
– The next SAT test is Oct. 6, sign up on The College Board SAT home page by Sept. 7.
– The next ACT test is Oct. 27, sign up on The ACT home page by Sept. 21.
– The 2012 Fresno Area College Night is on Sept. 12 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Fresno Convention Center- New Exhibit Hall. There will be financial aid breakout sessions held throughout the night (the first one is at 5:30 p.m.).
– The Fresno Christian College Fair is on Tues. Sept. 18, during the lunch hour in the courtyard. Here students will have the chance to talk to representatives from 30 colleges (mostly private Christian colleges).
– Fresno Christian College Information Night hosted by Academic Advisor, Michelle Warkentin on Wed. Oct 1, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This event is open to all students and parents.
More information regarding college preparation will be coming your way next month. I look forward to meeting with every student this year. My ultimate goal is for every student to have the best high school experience possible and the opportunity to pursue their college and career goals.
That?s all for this edition of College Corner!
Michelle Warkentin
Academic Advisor
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays (8-3 p.m.)
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Warkentin.
For more news articles, read the Aug. 30 article, BRIEF: Classes meet to share devotional, information.